Why is it that none of these stories mention race?

Why is it that reporting on white people (which from their picture they very well might be) assumes their race must be irrelevant?

Of course their race is relevant. Why do you think the press is reporting more heavily on this particular family than on some other family, not white, caught up similarly? This shit happens all the time, so why not make a big deal other times?

It's the whiteness, stupid.

Without reporting the race and considering why race is relevant to the story, the reporting is incomplete to the point of maddening frustration. CBC and all the other major outlets who have reported on this should be ashamed of themselves.

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I was at lunch in a KFC the other day when it all got to be too much, and I started crying, thinking about a 7 yr old Syrian (Kurdish?) girl who lost a leg in the recent attack.I hate these people more than words can express.

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The Post article says that they were supposedly found to be carrying 16 grand when detained. Whatever is going on if they were carrying that much money it probably hasn't helped.

CBC is reporting the family has been sent back to the UK, and that they had the 16 grand to cover the expenses of a prolonged trip by 7 people.https://www.cbc.ca/news/can...

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So escort them out of the country. How fucking hard is that?

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Regardless of why they were scooped up if someone illegally crosses the Canadian border into the US you fucking deport them. You don’t intern them for weeks and weeks for no reason! Maybe they were sneaky sneaks, I have no reason to believe they were, you still just bung them back over the fucking border! And if Canada wouldn’t accept them, if that’s true that’s disgraceful, you boot them to wherever their passport is for. Aren’t there international laws about this shit?

Speaking as someone who is both a Canadian and an American and who crossed the US Canada border (Sarnia-Port Huron) every summer for 14 years, it’s not a real border! Yes there are border crossing points where they ask you “what is the purpose of your trip?“ And you say some random thing and they let you in. But there’s also these vast expanses where you can just walk or drive across. There’s a town on the prairies where the border runs through the middle of it. The point is the border is unpoliceable. Everyone really involved in this knows that. This draconian crap is how Steven Miller with his high school student council president gone mad mentality thinks you can stop people from doing a thing. You can’t. Mind you I want to know what kind of “animal“ blocks the road.

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I don't see why everyone's getting their panties in a bunch about this. What's going to happen is these people are going to be deported to their home country at American taxpayer expense, so it's like they get a free trip home. So what if it could take years to accomplish, and they'll spend the whole time at the mercy of sadistic morons who couldn't pass the psych eval for the military or any other domestic law enforcement agency? Think of the great story they'll have for dinner parties.

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There's a library in Vermont / Quebec where the border goes right through the main room.

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The ICE guys across the border with Canada were jealous of all the action their buddies on the Mexican border have been getting. So they decided to gin something up just for fun. It doesn't matter, of course, who these people are. Citizens of an friendly ally? All the better to lock them up, my dear--allies of the US need to stay vigilant nowadays.

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First, they were caught on video crossing the ditch that is clearly marked with markers as an illegal area to cross near Lynden. Second. they were detained as they headed for the highway away from Blaine and towards Seattle. Third, they had 16,000 in cash and an unspecified amount of drugs in the car. Fourth they were turned down for visas to cross into the US the day before which means they have criminal records. And, fifth - Canada would not allow ANY of them back into Canada leaving us stuck with these lying idiots that were also accused of child endangerment. See "Third".

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😯😯😯😯😯 Yep. It’s not a real border.

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Even if they were up to no good, that doesn't excuse putting someone with a baby in a cold dirty room with a paper thin bit of plastic for a blanket.

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Hephalumps and woozles.

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But what about our punishment fetish?/s

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Did you think Dok Zooms grows on trees?

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I thought it was because it happened on our northern border rather than southern that made it reportable. But what do I know.

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