For my mom, if I was reading, it was a good thing. Ahw might have looked askance at me if I (a boy) were to read Pippi Longstocking or the like, but Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Tom Corbett, etc., all good.

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The hive memory in these parts is breathtaking.

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I like the charging forward original better. She has a nice voice, but the studied hipster ennui is annoying to me.

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Yes, when dealing with ignorant morons like the GOP all nuance is lost.

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I wouldn't say that, but I consider your views as shallow and lacking nuance as many GOPers.

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1) How do you know what she wants?2) You are apparently not in MN, what's it to you?3) You can't vote for her, why should she care about your opinion?4) Funny (not funny) how you have to pick on a woman.

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So???? WTF are you blithering about??

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This is so WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!11

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She has auburn hair.

I'm not listening to you !

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Are the R&H interests aware of the record of the guy they licensed the show to?

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Fuck off. I don't know what your fucking deal is but keep it elsewhere. No one here gives a fuck about your opinions on other people's opinions.

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What's your fucking goal here? Are you just trying to run people off this site?

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Kiss my ass. You aren't the fucking judge of how I or any fucking one else talks.

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So much for those property taxes 😊

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I was thinking more of Peppermint Patty. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Do not ever watch the American movie; it's a travesty. Pippi would never apologize - she just does the right thing, beats up pirates (the bad ones) and outrages the adults. What is there to apologize for?

It was hard finding strong girls in the movies in the 80s for our daughter, but we had the four Swedish Pippi Longstocking movies on VHS. Good stuff. Books were available, but sometimes kids just need to see the strong ones in action, defeating a charging bull, or frightening pirates or Ted Cruz.

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