I've gotten to the point of "You're a Republican? *dope slap* What the fuck is wrong with you!". Them and ostentatious SUV drivers.

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I had no idea that what the Nazis did was that horrible until someone compared their actions to snarking on small town pizza restaurants.

(And seriously, if you're sending death threats to these folks, you are *not* an LGBT ally.)

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Do I get to design my own "Inquisitor's Robe?" Because I can damn sure guarantee I would look FABULOUS.

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still. your pizza sucks.

love, chicago

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Perhaps we should thank our lucky stars that the greatest criminal act of the 20th century was perpetrated by Adolph Hitler. If it had been someone else, we'd have to put up with the conservatards invoking a real dick with ears every time someone did or said something they don't like.

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Can that be done without lube?

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Oh, they're more than willing to cater Passover Seders until they're asked to hold the pepperoni, then, look out, it's GoFundMe time again.

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It's probably done without lube constantly. No lube makes doing it harder thus they get to whine more.

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So happy for the pizza people. Using the Internet to not work is good for America. I'm going to holocaust myself and crowdfund my way to a life in Provence.

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awesome flow chart. and now we understand how the radical muslims gain so much support. if the devout think you are martyrs defending the faith, they will give you a million dollars.

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You mean truck payments.

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Now he can afford a Tri-Corner hat for Teabag rallys.http://img.pandawhale.com/1...

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... one of the better efforts by Herr Hugo Boss. Such a thing he had for fabrics - this cashmere-wool blend was to die for!

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Gettin' in on that grift. Griftin' away. Ridin' the grift.

This is all "God's Little Acre," this is...

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... and don't forget The Roma - although the "gypsies" were pretty much reviled by everybody, for the longest time.

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