Does "the machines might be tainted" mean they rubbed their taints over everything? 'Cause that would be gross.

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I know it's hopeless, but I wish the yahoo republican voters could appreciate the money being wasted by republican legislatures and governors in fealty to tfg. Replacing the voting machines. Passing patently unconstitutional laws and then having to go to court.

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They don't care. That's one of the poisons of entitlement.

Have you seen the way they trash the fields after the MAGA rallies?

They feel as if they're entitled to waste as much as they want.

Which is ... yeah. That's as bad (and possibly worse) than it sounds like.

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Very cool!

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The GQP voters are in favor of it - the entire price of the fraudit should be billed to the RNC - and if they don't pay there candidates (federal ones anyway) should not be allowed to run under the Republican moniker -

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Someone will get a copy of that report. Then whoo boy!

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"I'm a political prisoner. Now I have to go home and I can't do nothing! I can't do drugs or get into fights or..."

What are this guy's weekends like?

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Oh FUCK NO!!!!!!!!

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You'd think the party of fiscal responsibility would understand that, wouldn't you./

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who would have thought that this was going to be a really expensive exercise in weaponized futility?

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The question is, what are these goobers do once they realize the fraudit is not going to result in Arizona's electoral votes being retroactively transferred to the former guy and Biden is not immediately removed from office.

It ain't going to be pretty, that's for sure.

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Every time I see the picture of those t-shirts I think it is Gumby -

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Sounds like my house. And I didn't riot or ransack anything, just had a heart attack.

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No the main purpose of the fraudit was is to manufacture doubt about the election so Fann and her cronies can just make it legal for them to decide elections for us, without all that silly time-wasting "voting" crap.

Seriously. One of the bills introduced in the state lege this year would allow the legislature to appoint any electors they chose to the EC (even though AZ law currently mandates that the EC votes go to the popular vote winner) . I don't think that one went through, but Fann and Rusty Bowers (AZ House speaker) are both demanding that Gov Ducey convene a special session after the release of the fraudit results so that they can "Ensure that appropriate legislation is passed to 'ensure the purity 'integrity' of elections' in time for the 2022 elections".

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“Katie Strickland, a spokesperson for DeSantis, told TPM that the state is hoping that Texas will pick up the cost at a special legislative session held next month.”


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I'm currently about halfway through reading Cory Doctorow's newest novel, 'Attack Surface' (which so far is *pretty damn depressing*). The protagonist is a computer wunderkid who works for the worst of the worst, so there's a LOT of detail on Ways To Infiltrate Devices. And Doctorow being who he is, you know that very little if any of it is artistic license. My point being that it is entirely possible for those machines to have acquired just the teensiest little backdoor which would let in the Qbert version of jewish-italian space lasers and no one would be able to tell.

Now, I don't think the cyber numnuts and their sooper sekrit Minnesota backwoods lab are likely to have done that, necessarily - but we also don't know they didn't.

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