I actually worked the next year's show in 93. Unfortunately, there's too many people who will work for free at Telluride, so it's hard to get hired on

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weejee, your musical selections never disappoint.

Hah. I just watched the end: "Because this is the instrument that Jimi Hendrix is playing right now".

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Sorry. We'll keep trying.

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And thanks to Phyllis Schlafly for helping to kill the ERA. Thanks for nothing.

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Lighten up, Hitler.

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now show your appreciation and make me a sammich

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Hillary’s Menstrual Cankles is the name of my new grungepolka band

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I think the most appropriate way to celebrate Women’s Equality Day would be to go out and kill a misogynist with votes.

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or teh gheys or teh Muslins or teh Messicans. It seems white male hetero Christians never get any slack from these ingrates- it's obvious, white guys are the real victims here

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on a related note: <a href="http:\/\/gawker.com\/big-boi-jamming-to-kate-bush-is-all-of-us-jamming-to-ka-1627022972" target="_blank">Happy Kate Bush Day</a>

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I misread that as "bestest boobs in the world," and who am I to argue that point?

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Yeah ,yeah, but how fast can she make a samich?

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You laydees haven't really reached equality until they start telling female novelist jokes

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I'm thankful for the few hours that my husband allows me to use this computer-box-thingie so that I can go on the internets and read about all the other ways I can be thankful. Being a girl is swell! It's even more fun in places like Nigeria where a girl can get kidnapped for going to school, or India where your family can sell you off at 14 to an old pervert for marriage.

Now excuse me. I have to go bake a casserole.

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