Muscle Shoals and Fame Studios are about it.

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And Stacy Abrams beats the shit out of both of them!

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"Simba for Senate!" has a nice ring to it!

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In the realm of the mabye stupid on my part...Until just now, I thought that 'MVP' was referring to Harris being the Most Valuable Player.I now realise it can stand for Madame Vice President.D'oh!

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Bear Bryant? Barnes & Noble?

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I do not in any way intend to the advocate for the cops in Indiana. Better than Alabama is a very, very low bar to clear.

In 2019 one of our students, a young black man involved in defund the police, killed himself by beating himself apparently by repeatedly falling down, then filled his backpack with rocks in the dark, and threw himself barely conscious into the lake.

It has been ruled suicide.

So no, I am not really advocating for Indiana by being grateful that it is not AL or MS


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I can't imagine the stress that POC live under. No matter what they do, how hard they work, what lives they save or fame they achieve or money they make...there's ALWAYS some vicious, inadequate bigot who hates them because of their skin colour. And wants nothing more than to pull them out of the honoured place in society they've earned, and put them back into chattel slavery, because that bigot is WHITE goddamit, and they're BETTER than this uppity (person) because they're white, and this uppity (person) had better agree with them on that or suffer the consequences.

And I'd be willing to bet that if you called that shithead a racist, he'd deny it and argue how fine he is with black people until he's blue in the face. I used to be so casually racist in thought, word and deed that I'm horrified, ashamed and remorseful to remember it, and I know I would have been insulted and furious if anyone had told me I was racist. But even at my worst, in the goddamn 1980s when I was an idiot teenager, I knew you DID NOT use the N-word. THAT was racist

And this MF didn't just say the word. He's an elected official directing it at another elected official in a RECORDED public meeting in front of an unselected audience. As casually as if he were asking her the time. It's conduct so outrageous that if someone said to me "Hey, so this happened...", I'dve said that sounds like bullshit. People have had their careers badly damaged by accusations of using the N-word in private. An elected official calling a colleague a House N-word at a public meeting? Who the hell is going to drop a nuclear bomb on themselves like that??? THIS fuckin' guy, that's who.

It was heartening to hear some spectators express their horror - at least not EVERYONE in the room is as bad as that creature, and I hope that was some comfort to that poor woman. I hope she's ok.

I want to give her a big hug and make her peanut choc-chip bikkies. I would also like to escort him off the premises with Votes and have a long and serious discussion about his conduct. I hope that, like me, he educates himself, realises his ideas are COMPLETELY fucked up, changes his attitude, and becomes an ally*.

*I aspire to be an accomplice, but I think that's an accolade awarded by POC rather than a title a white person claims for themselves.

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The hypocrisy of age-based excuses will never cease to enrage me.

In my state, the captain of the major professional football team LITERALLY ran away from a roadside breath-alcohol check. Because he was a professional goddamn athlete he outran the cops and hid until the next day. Now there's only one good reason for a driver to evade a breath-alcohol test and everyone knows it, but due to loopholes in the law he couldn't be charged with drink driving. The EXCUSES which were made for his bullshit. I remember my rage when a sports commentator said in conciliatory tones, "Well, he's only young...".

He was 28, living with his partner, and a father. So he's mature enough to have a family and be appointed to one of his club's most important leadership roles...but too young and irresponsible to be really held accountable for driving under the influence and running from the cops? Tell that to Aboriginal children, who are locked up and tarred as "juvenile delinquents" at age 10.

If you want to ignore bad behaviour, there is always an age based excuse*. "Too young to understand" slides smoothly into "just a phase" and "they'll grow out of it". This matures to "sowing their wild oats", "enjoying their youth" or "a last fling before settling down"; moves into "under a lot of pressure from work/family"; then "mid-life crisis".** Finally, we move into the home straight with "they grew up in a different time" before finishing strong with "they're old, they don't understand"***.

*Especially bad behaviour committed by men and boys, but we will break out the good china for cis women/girls if they're sufficiently privileged. And white, because black cis women don't get away with anything (unless it benefits the power structure). Trans and non-binary people, of course, never get the benefit of the doubt unless they're Caitlin Jenner.

**For women, replace "mid-life crisis" with "empty-nest syndrome" or "menopause".

***Such nice symmetry, that a person can be "too young" and "too old" to understand NOT TO USE THE N-WORD in the one lifetime. The circle of life indeed.

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There is no way that Tommy has read "that book" that makes him an expert on Muslims. And what is it about old white southern dudes having little boys names?

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Don't forget lying Lankford.

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In vino veritas - the truth our ancestors passed down to us. Substances don't make you say or do something that wasn't already down within you - the capacity was always there, if not the will to act. Stress or medical issues just strip away the civilized behaviors we're taught so the sludge just flows forth unfiltered. All those nasty, hateful things that can come out "in the heat of the moment"? Yeah, that's always there but now your Id has a chance to say it..

The world would be a lot better place if everyone admitted the terrible things you say and do when under the influence, angry or stressed is a true part of *you* and that's something we all need to work on.

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CRT got my Maypo, and I WANT MY MAYPO.

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It's a fine art down there.

"Bless his heart."

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Thanks for an excuse to buy all the Ben and Jerry's, Senator Dumbass.

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