"FRAGRANT". Well played.

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I'll slap him With Votes.

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Back to mommy's basement you go now!

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I doubt they and their Dead or Alive love pillows were planning a family anytime soon.

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By the way the Google workforce is 70% male and 61% white (the percentage ratio gets even higher as you move up to higher positions) So we can see how white guys are struggling and suffering at the company 🙄

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Why the long face James?

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Saaaayyyy you know who ELSE suggested compassion for the weak?


Just weird that we are gonna end up with football AND Jebus in the divorce

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Hot damn - frisson!

Chuckie is the tourettes-plagued neighbor who suspects Milo is a god-like poon-hound with the ladies. Meanwhile, Chuckie suspects Little Jimmy is a jewisher, what with that nose, and keeps asking how much baby blood it takes to make a single matzo cracker.

What percentage of the residuals do you want, JAWs?

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Early on, programming was seen as nothing more than enhanced typing, suitable for limited ladybrainz, and hardware was where it was at for all the manly man-men.

Now, of course, if you mention that little factoid, you're "delusional" and it's "just not true" because Bill Gates.

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James Damore has resting douche face.

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Conservatives are higher in conscientiousness? CONSCIENTIOUSNESS? Cognitive dissonance much, Damore you don't know?

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The finest specimens are always male, so I don't think we need to worry about their reproducing.

I suspect they'd try.

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Time for some Cheech Wizard Justice: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2...

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I've already lost faith, so no thank you.

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Firstly, fucking disqus keeps kicking me out. Secondly, I try to avoid commenting on people’s appearance on the grounds that everyone who’s an arsehole has something more substantial to be rude about than their face, but this ugly fucker looks like someone cut his face in half, then shaved a little off the middle and squashed it back together. Maybe they gave the middle bit to Benedict Cumberbatch.

Thirdly, men are so fucking testerical when they’re manstruating. He could probably do with a shag. Which may be a challenge for him (see point 2 above) He needs to go have a wank and shut the fuck up.

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