Also how markets work - if the message you are selling isn't what people want to hear, they don't have to buy into your message

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Or Claudia Black on Stargate, though I prefer her Farscape work. Or Amanda tapping on Stargate now that we are talking about kick ass female characters. Did you know she blew up a sun once?

Jacob: Come on, Sam. It can't be any harder than blowing up a sun.Sam: You know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.(alien control panel lights up)Sam: Next step, parting the Red Sea!

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God damn RIGHT! And that's just not gonna work in the modern workplace!

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If Hollywood was all about cancel culturing Conservatives, Clint Eastwood wouldn't still have a job. The difference between Clint and Gina (and Clint and James) is that he's A) a professional, and B) grasps that as a public figure, he's always on display, so you can't mouth off on social media like Twitter.

Also, too: C) has enough brain power to be conscious of things like cultural context.

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Clint Eastwood is never going to live down that empty chair though.

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I liked Home Improvement.

I don't like "Last Man Standing." Not because Allen is a conservative. I don't like it because it isn't funny.

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Yeah, he overestimated his audience's capacity for abstract thought.

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Except Leni Riefenstahl had real talent

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Noooooo! You just reawakened my worst nightmare. Not. Hahahahahaha,

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Republicans are racist?Whoa, ya learn something new every day.

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Probably, but I don't know. I saw that when it first came to all the theaters in podunk country, along with Chariots of the Gods, and let me tell you, it scared eleven year old me. I talked my dad into letting me go to the Palace Theater on the square to see it.

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So, details are being kept under wraps.

Keep up the good work, guys. In fact, keep the whole movie under wraps if/when it is ever finished.

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I despise James Woods' politics, but that does not mean he has no talent as an actor. Playing villains generally requires more talent than playing god-fearing, chisel-featured, manly, heroes.

And while most of his characters have been at least mildly despicable, he has not matched their behavior.

Many talented actors, singers, painters, and artists of all kinds have had unpleasant characters. It does not negate their art.

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They should start a Sundunce film festival.

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I do not think the world is looking a Ernestine P. Worrell reboot.

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Have Miss Piggy play the part. She has much more talent.

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