Because you made the claim. Back it up.

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Why won't you link to where you found this information?

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So support it with some evidence, or are you just trolling?

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What he should do is hold his horses.

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There's still time, this is an excellent mission statement. Goals! :))

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Well the Daily Fail claims to have located her bolthole (...) so the Mossad or whomever would probably like to speak with her. Her father was an EPIC garbage barge, BTW. "Slipped and fell" off his superyacht ://

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"jumped" lol :)

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According the the VF article, her take on the girls was "they are nothing." Niiice.

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She was also good enough to beat Trump by almost 3 million votes.

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Trump Steaks.... so fresh you can still the marks from the jockey's whip.

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Low grade dog meat.

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Why won't you Google it?

What are you afraid of.

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Google it and find it yourself.

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The claim is clearly evident on Google

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Why do you act as if alcoholism were a virtue?

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Please answer my question.

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