I once saw a cat ride a high wheeler through endless fields of sunflowers. It was in the summer of 1969 while stuck in traffic in upstate NY. Hallucinogenics were involved. Somebody was playing a guitar on the side of the road.
My wife and I went to Woodstock. But it was just a couple of months ago, all the good acts are done now.
Apparently the town of Woodstock is now all overpriced B & Bs and boutiques designed to separate New York tourists from their money.
My sister-in-law did actually go to the festival. Some group of friends with a van heard about this music thing and drove up from Long Island to check it out.
I bought a ticket for Sunday* and went up on Friday morning (a four hour drive) to make certain I'd get in. All I can say about the experience is, if anyone went and thought it was about music**, they weren't there. When I woke up on Monday morning, covered in mud, still crashing from the 'bad, brown acid' and hearing Hendrix's version of the Star Mangled Banner, I knew it was time to leave. Still have the ticket though...
*$7.50 to see a dozen bands? What a bunch of pig capitalist rip-offs!
**The first time I tried to see the film, I was refused admittance because I was too young for the rating. When I did finally see it, I was convinced the songs were dubbed directly from the albums, because it certainly didn't sound that good live.
Thanks for the Eleanor Roosevelt link. My wife is a big Eleanor fangirl and is going to look into the book that article is based on. (Shannon McKenna Schmidt, "The First Lady of World War II")
Gym Jordan demands information from Fani Willis on the investigation of the Orange Blob
She’ll pen a very professional letter informing him that he and the other poo flinging Trumpanzees need to stay in their lanes.
I’d tell him to walk into the locker room where the pervert doctor was molesting his wrestlers, grab a portable shower head and ram it up his fascist loving ass
Substack technical question. I get a notification that there's action on my non-comment. I want to go to my non-comment to read the replies if any.
But when I click on the notification it just takes me to the top of the comments. If I scroll down a busy thread like this one, half the time it seems to have disappeared the way Disqus used to do to me.
How do I find my actual comment?
Edit: OK, Activity under the pull-down menu (three bars) works as expected. It's only the top level Activity icon (bell next to the three bars) that clicking on a comment won't take me there.
If you click on the notification bell from another page(like your profile, but not comments) you will be shown all your "Activity" notifications and can click on a comment and be taken to your comment and the thread. They use a heart for a like, a blue arrow for a reply.
This might be my favorite line from a diplomat ever: “NATO has an ‘open door’ policy,” he said at a fireside chat. “Russia has an open windows policy, and he needs to be very focused on that.” Prighozin …well, nothing was lost, right?
What a surprise. The leader of the Michigan board who used information from Libs of TikTok to make decisions and attack a woman trying to help people was an overweight middle aged white guy. I’m shocked!
So how far down the rabbit hole has Tucker gone with the plane crash. Are we at the point where “the west” did it because he made Putin look good? Or did Biden do it to cover up Burisma somehow?
My dad was an old time North Carolinian, from an olllld NC family. He told me once that the late Jesse Helms, may he rest in piss, made his name as a "journalist" by tearing down Eleanor Roosevelt. My dad, a proponent of equality all his life, bless him, was disgusted by this. The ONLY time I saw him lose his shit massively is the morning Jesse Helms was made chair of the Agriculture Committee and dad, a career state agriculture specialist, threw his full coffee cup at the wall.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a fucking mensch, and I thank my dad for teaching me that.
Wonkette kitty rides a bike, because feminist! Learn more here: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/kitty-on-a-magic-high-high-wheeler
One of my all-time favorite cartoons--Velocipedestrienne!
Got to love a penny-farthing bike.
Patrick McGoohan has entered the chat
(runs away, as Rover enters the chat)
Wrong kind of Rover?
I once saw a cat ride a high wheeler through endless fields of sunflowers. It was in the summer of 1969 while stuck in traffic in upstate NY. Hallucinogenics were involved. Somebody was playing a guitar on the side of the road.
...I think.
Dammit, my sister and I had tix to the last day of Woodstock but didn't go because you couldn't get within 50 miles of the place.
My wife and I went to Woodstock. But it was just a couple of months ago, all the good acts are done now.
Apparently the town of Woodstock is now all overpriced B & Bs and boutiques designed to separate New York tourists from their money.
My sister-in-law did actually go to the festival. Some group of friends with a van heard about this music thing and drove up from Long Island to check it out.
I bought a ticket for Sunday* and went up on Friday morning (a four hour drive) to make certain I'd get in. All I can say about the experience is, if anyone went and thought it was about music**, they weren't there. When I woke up on Monday morning, covered in mud, still crashing from the 'bad, brown acid' and hearing Hendrix's version of the Star Mangled Banner, I knew it was time to leave. Still have the ticket though...
*$7.50 to see a dozen bands? What a bunch of pig capitalist rip-offs!
**The first time I tried to see the film, I was refused admittance because I was too young for the rating. When I did finally see it, I was convinced the songs were dubbed directly from the albums, because it certainly didn't sound that good live.
The Hendrix solo at the very end of the album - "Villanova Junction" - is the single most perfect solo I've ever heard.
Do do do looking out my back door!
The field of sunny sunflowers is perfect. Go, Wonkette Kitty!
We're not worthy of you Tini. Not worthy!
Truly! I'm mesmerized.
Mesmerized is exactly right!
Kitteh has excellent balance to go so slowly.
Thanks for the Eleanor Roosevelt link. My wife is a big Eleanor fangirl and is going to look into the book that article is based on. (Shannon McKenna Schmidt, "The First Lady of World War II")
I wonder if Eleanor was with Agatha Christie for those days she was also missing? Hmmm, just asking.
Gym Jordan demands information from Fani Willis on the investigation of the Orange Blob
She’ll pen a very professional letter informing him that he and the other poo flinging Trumpanzees need to stay in their lanes.
I’d tell him to walk into the locker room where the pervert doctor was molesting his wrestlers, grab a portable shower head and ram it up his fascist loving ass
Substack technical question. I get a notification that there's action on my non-comment. I want to go to my non-comment to read the replies if any.
But when I click on the notification it just takes me to the top of the comments. If I scroll down a busy thread like this one, half the time it seems to have disappeared the way Disqus used to do to me.
How do I find my actual comment?
Edit: OK, Activity under the pull-down menu (three bars) works as expected. It's only the top level Activity icon (bell next to the three bars) that clicking on a comment won't take me there.
If you click on the notification bell from another page(like your profile, but not comments) you will be shown all your "Activity" notifications and can click on a comment and be taken to your comment and the thread. They use a heart for a like, a blue arrow for a reply.
Sometimes that works. Seems to work best on newer comments, but once they get to be a couple hours old I start seeing this symptom.
John Prigozhin is dead. He fell on his head.
This might be my favorite line from a diplomat ever: “NATO has an ‘open door’ policy,” he said at a fireside chat. “Russia has an open windows policy, and he needs to be very focused on that.” Prighozin …well, nothing was lost, right?
Oh, I dunno. Prigozhin had a certain something. Ugliness, and badness. I rather hope this was an elaborate fake.
In Russia, plane land on you!
Re: Rudy at the Bail Bondsman
Any Janet Evanovich fans? This is such low-hanging fruit for the next novel! It practically writes itself!
Are we on Mug Shot watch? Is today the day when we find out what Trump weighs? Will they make him remove his makeup and toupee?
If they remove his hairpiece and makeup, it will reduce his weight by 15 pounds, give or take.
Today is Ukraine's Independence Day. Here is a Ukrainian wheat field.
Slava Ukraini! Слава Україні!
What a surprise. The leader of the Michigan board who used information from Libs of TikTok to make decisions and attack a woman trying to help people was an overweight middle aged white guy. I’m shocked!
It seems the biggest not-well-covered story is BRICS expansion to create a New World Order with a second-class USA.
BRICS would be hella better off if it jettisoned the R.
So how far down the rabbit hole has Tucker gone with the plane crash. Are we at the point where “the west” did it because he made Putin look good? Or did Biden do it to cover up Burisma somehow?
My dad was an old time North Carolinian, from an olllld NC family. He told me once that the late Jesse Helms, may he rest in piss, made his name as a "journalist" by tearing down Eleanor Roosevelt. My dad, a proponent of equality all his life, bless him, was disgusted by this. The ONLY time I saw him lose his shit massively is the morning Jesse Helms was made chair of the Agriculture Committee and dad, a career state agriculture specialist, threw his full coffee cup at the wall.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a fucking mensch, and I thank my dad for teaching me that.
I feel like this might be a day to put on pants.