It’s all very exciting for idiots to claim hitler did some good and admirable stuff, and plenty of people thought so at the time, but it’s bollocks. I explain this every year to my students when we discuss (for example) how Hitler eradicated unemployment. He didn’t. The people who were sacked from their jobs for not being acceptable were just not counted as unemployed. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

I’ve heard this story before about trump being told that he can’t say nice things about Hitler, and I can’t decide if it shows him as more stupid than fascist wannabe, or vice versa.

Thank fuck he didn’t get re-elected.

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Well that is consistent with his love for history's greatest losers.

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It's not exactly shocking that a racist, malevolent psychopath would need to be told to stop admiring Hitler or at least stop saying so out loud.

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Trump was undeterred", emphasizing German economic recovery under Hitler during the 1930s.

He was probably just repeating the last thing he heard from Stephen Miller that day.

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Trump later criticized Hitler for having brunette spokesmen

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I wouldn't defend Trump by labeling this as "ignorance". He was raised in a KKK type racist home with strong awareness of the situation in Germany and modeled much of his campaign on material he was raised with down to the "America First" slogan.

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Yeah Hitler probably paid his taxes and his lawyers.

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I'm sure Trump was referring to Volkswagens and the Aurobahn.

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Unsurprisingly, both of them suffered from late stage tertiary syphilis.

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Kelly does love feeding this stuff to others, doesn't he?

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He also attended a military boarding school. I'm sure they covered World War II.

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At least Hitler could have just been a mediocre artist instead of a mass murderer in a different timeline. Dump will always be dump. The banality of idiocy. The horror.

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That's not quite true. If it wasn't for Russian money-laundering, Trump would have been Mike Lindell after his casinos went bankrupt -- just another semi-famous huckster.

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…So many timelines, too much Dump…

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