I don't really know what they called themselves, but they certainly existed back then.

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I'm only 62 and I think I already am one of those ladies.

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It was in Esquire. I've read it a few times over the years, and it's moving every time. It's totally worth the read, although it can be hard to contemplate.

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I was standing in line in Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta for post-9/11 screening. A man in front of me starting screaming "THIS IS ALL SO UNNECESSARY!" Everyone agreed, but said nothing, not wanting to be thought a terrorist.

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I love tough old ladies. There's a point where they decide they have no more fucks to give (h/t Charles Pierce). I hope to be one of those ladies some day.

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"In order to get compensation from the fund, victims had to waive their right to sue the airlines' contracted security guards for missing the hijackers' knives at gate security."

Protect the airlines for overlooking box-cutters at the gate? ....The 9/11 compensation fund morphed into full on hush money. Good people from all over the US, all over the world, donated millions of dollars to the families of 9/11 victims with NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Its was the architects of the fund who decided that money should be used to absolve ANYONE who might share fault.

These heros (like chuck-e-schumer) ran defense for the neo-cons, big business and Saudi Arabia.

9.3 If I apply for compensation for an Advance Benefit, do I give up my rights?

Yes, once you submit the Eligibility and Application for Advance Benefits part of thenew Compensation Form (or the previously published Eligibility Form and Application for Advance Benefits) and it is deemed substantially complete you will have waived your rights. The Act provides that upon the submission of a claim under the Fund, the claimant waives the right to file a civil action (or to be a party to an action) in any Federal or State court for damages sustained as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001, except that this limitation does not apply to civil actions to recover collateral source obligations or to a civil action against any person who is a knowing participant in any conspiracy to hijack any aircraft or commit any terrorist act


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The fix is in.

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I was just reading an article yesterday (The Atlantic, maybe?) about people who jumped from the towers, and one man in particular, known as the Falling Man, who was never identified, at least not as the man from the iconic photo. Those poor folks were doomed either way, but some would say it was suicide and pass judgment on their souls. Fuck that.After watching Die Hard and Speed I used to joke about not going up in tall buildings. That joke hasn't been funny in the 17 years since.

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Fortunately shitweasel Rudy Ghoulia9-11 escaped.

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Isaac is heading across the Caribbean to Yucatan, and Helene is curling up around to head for Europe.

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and virgins to defile! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Nah - the rules are different for Republicans. Also, it doesn't technically say that the answers have to be truthful.

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who's to say they're not aliens.... those spiny outsides could easily be environmental suits :)

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Sonia Sotomayor has plenty of labels in her head and she got to be a Supreme Court Justice.

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You are a 10 year old who doesn’t know who Sonia Sotomayor is.

Got it.

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They do! A hedgegog got stuck in my brother's football net when I was little and it made such a weird noise I hid under the bed because I thought there was an alien in the garden (my dad cut it free - it was ok)

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