I would say that chemistry (maybe there is a better word out there, but we'll go with chemistry for now, if you have a better word, please let me know) is the primary driver that Former Dear Leader uses in his choices of the people that he will associate with. For men, Dear Leader looks for people who will lavishly praise him, tells him things that he wants to hear, see if they can be easily manipulated to do his bidding, and will they swear loyalty to him??? For women, he has the same criteria, plus he adds in the whole, what chance is there that I can have sex with said woman to the equation. It certainly explains a lot of the last 4 years, including the insurrection. It would also explain why he never really got along with John Kelly and others like him. Kelly didn't properly praise him, told the truth too much, and never swore loyalty to him.

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It is virtually inevitable.

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I have an argument for the prosecution to use against the defense: you can’t claim it is unconstitutional to impeach a president once he’s out of office if he won’t admit he lost the election.

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There will be witnesses from both sides this time, because republicans aren't in charge any more.

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Trumpito learned well from his mentor Roy Cohn - never ever *ever* pay your bills.

Cohn was notorious for stiffing people. Would go to an art gallery, scarf up tens of thousands of dollars of art, then ignore the bills. And people never went after him, because he was the meanest, sleaziest attorney in NYC.

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Right now, Lindsey's like a lonely remora, swimming around looking for a new shark to attach to.

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And Castor refused to prosecute Bill Cosby.

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I'm actually surprised people are starting to decide not to throw themselves under the bus for the FORMER president.

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If the verdict were done on a secret ballot, then the Senators (many of whom want to run for POTUS) would convict to open up the field.

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It doesn't matter if they do use the "evil twin" defence. The Republicans are still going to acquit him. I'd guess the only faint chance of a conviction in the Senate will exist if Trump does insist on going with "The election was stolen, wahhhhhhh!"

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I don't know why we won't, since we could get him out for good, if they convict and vote to ban him from further office.

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Although the sex part is certainly a fantasy since his little mushroom is probably an "innie" by now.

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I prefer to think of him as a lamprey. They're way more hideous-looking.

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I'm still stuck on evil twin ...

Wh-wh-what does that even look like?

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