Ta, Liz. If I had police powers, I'd immediately arrest Kacsmaryk for practicing medicine without a license, which is illegal in all 50 states.

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we can only hope she doesn't pop out another one.

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The Senate has got to impeach a few of the most loony of the loonie tunes in the black robes.

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Not to mention how the last 2 members appointed to SCOTUS was asked in their confirmation hearings if they would do away with Roe v Wade, both lied and said that it was settled law, and that was clearly a bald faced lie, something we tend to call perjury. And yet here we are, with those fuckers still on the bench, and not even charged with the crime they clearly committed.

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You just know that if the SCOTUS green lights this ban all manner of other wingnut bogeymendrugs are up next, mRNA vaccines..childhood vaccines in general.

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Route 1 ne c'est pas?

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They will not push back https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Birth control is directly in the crosshairs, as they have openly stated.After that is any prescription drug that any crank can claim has a risk of birth defects.

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Republitards are going to put an end to the sexual revolution of the....Sixties!These fuckers are still butt hurt about Tricky Dick or something!?! They still want revenge on the hippies and womens libbers! The vile stank that they are just won't let go because they are no longer a viable party and it is the White Man's Last Stand! These knuckle draggers know their days are numbered and have only been more unhinged and militant since the 80s! This isn't about religion! This is about power & money and religion enslaves people making them easier to lead by the nose! That's why these bible humpers would throw in with the Antichrist Trumpski! Power is all they worship now. No more separation of church & state for them, we will have Christian Sharia law if we let them. We are at the end of the era of religion being a big part of people's lives and they can't handle it . They will only get more bold and outrageous.Stamp out stupidity! Vote blue and make your neighbor too!

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Dyhydrogen Oxide!!!

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Matty is a hack and a joke. A sick, sick joke upon America.

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That, and expand the courts, at the very least. The longer we let these extremist judges twist the rule of law, the more delegitimized the courts are. I fear we're already past that point though.

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Flaccid, pathetic old white men would never let that happen, in fact, I think they'd compromise on guns before they'd let their boner pills go.

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Our only hope is that they continue going further and further away from reality, pissing off millions of previous non-voters, getting them to vote.

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Unconstitutional. The Founders wanted to be sure legislatures couldn't influence the courts by cutting judges's pay.

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Not everybody, just in the 17 states that were parties to the lawsuit.

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