Chicago, like Al Capone's Chicago? Really think the old mob ethnic mobs don't know how to create accidents?

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Yoo is a criminal who sanctioned torture. Any law school that hires him should lose their accreditation. Yoo should lose his license.

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And if not, there is always the Flavor-Aid.

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no. we will fight.

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i'm gonna be on the front lines for damn sure.

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If I was nearer, I would be there. I hope to be at some point.

I wish you the very best, and will pray to my Christian non-homo or trans-phobe God on your behalf.

I admire your bravery.

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Guessing the out-of-control Portland cops would have refused to do so.

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Anybody live in Seattle? Dori Monson on KIRO radio today was saying he was<hoping<i>Trump would hurry up and send these guys to us here. I am so disgusted by him more and more each day but don't get a clear signal on other stations.

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This was my thought, but I was informed that the ONG would simply be federalized and ordered to stand down or join with the Stasi in kidnapping the people of Portland.

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Have you considered looking for digital stations you can stream through a phone? Might be worth looking to see if there are local stations on digital

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Lor en norder!!! It's werked buffoah! (Maybe not areal quote) (or is it?)

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Notice how quiet the rethugs are about that? Makes me mad

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"in unlawful law enforcement in violation of the civil rights of Oregon citizens by seizing and detaining them without probable cause."That is absolute bullshit, it can't be law enforcement if it is unlawful just like you can't drink dry water.

This is unlawful kidnapping and any police officer that does not shoot the kidnappers should be fired for dereliction of duty.

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Good. That means you can fire them when they refuse to follow lawful orders.

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This is how it starts. It takes a while even for the fascist soldiers to learn to be monsters.

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I know you are right, but I am angry.

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