"a baseless accusation that 40K ballots from Asia were smuggled here"

So let me see if I can get this straight. The working theory is that....the Evil Democrats went to the effort of smuggling paper ballots from China? Because there was no paper available in the US? Or because only the Chinese could create a "fraudulent ballot" (whatever that is - it appears that in their minds a "fraudulent ballot" is one with the bubble next to Joe Biden's name filled in). Seriously, why would anyone have to import "fraudulent ballots"? Or are they saying that the Chinese on their own decided to just mail a whole bunch of ballots to Maricopa County?

How's this conspiracy supposed to work, anyway?

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"former legislator Anthony Kern among the auditors "

Was Anthony Kern a candidate in the 2020 election? WTF would you allow him to "audit" the ballots of an election he was running in?

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Especially, destroy American democracy in the process. THAT'S just a bonus for #Republicans!

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It just works, OK! Stop trying to figure out details! Details are for losers, and we're winners, which is how we know that the election was rigged, because we're such big winners that it's not possible that we could lose! It's not, It's Not, IT'S NOT, IT'S NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

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Oh, they've been serious about that since Nixon, but they're actually extremely close to finally succeeding, thanks to the long effort to control the judiciary.

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Youse is very welcome.

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Seems to me "mystery by design" pretty much sums up the whole thing.

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here's some funny stuff about the big recount. first of all, it's at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in pheonix, but that venue has already been booked for a high school graduation on the 14th, so if these super sleuths don't find all of those chinese ballots before then, what will they do? also less than a mile from the Veterans Memorial Coliseum is a place called the "japanese friendship garden" yep it's an outdoor japanese garden full of, you guessed it, bamboo.

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This blatant attempt to undermine legitimate voting is nauseating. Also nauseating is the gross racism of "bamboo = Chinese."

I work in publishing. Most of the stuff we publish is printed in China. On normal rag paper, manufactured in China. Which contains zero bamboo.

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Effete Republicans and their fancy bedsheets.

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And your point is...? Are you implying that after multiple recounts and certifications, this count is still inaccurate enough to change the election? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying.

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My money says even Assmouth isn’t stupid enough that he thinks it can be overturned. He may however be stupid enough to think he’s got a chance in 2024, so is focused on keeping the cult riled up.

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Not to mention that they've had blue and black pens on the floor where the ballots are, so it'd be super easy (barely an inconvenience) to spoil them. Or maybe that'll be their point, they'll muddy the waters so much in regards to this election that they'll argue it has to be invalided, because how could we know what it really was? (It was really what it was said to be multiple times after election night.)

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I don't know. Apparently, the reason why the Cyber Ninjas embraced the "secret watermarks that can only be seen under UV light" idea was because Biff had become obsessed with it. I wouldn't be any money on him not being stupid enough to believe anything.

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Nope, McCain wasn't elected Arizona's senator until 1986 when Goldwater retired.

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My coffee filters are made from bamboo; could they be fake Chinese coffee filters? And if so, would they be fake filters from China, or filters which are purported to be Chinese, but aren't, or genuine filters, but for Chinese coffee which is fake?

I would call these cargo cult audits, only the folks who started the cargo cult rituals had seen that the "magic" was real, and dependent on certain rituals and gear; and so did their rational best when attempting to duplicate the results.

These failed homunculi want nothing to do with verification or determining the results based on counts, but are rather trying to force the vote totals to their desired results. They are despicable.

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