This is so fucking cute. And spontaneous. And, you know, a teeny bit risque. Dr Jill is shown to be a regular person. Ol' Handsome just lets her work her way out of it.
I would love to meet these folks. I would only want to meet the Ryans if it gave me an opportunity to punch Pauly in the nuts.
She is just cute, and evidently quick as a whip. Just look at her react to the crowd's "Ar har har". Didn't freeze. Didn't try to ignore it. Just played through, charmingly.
I'm 64. I assure you that in my lifetime we have never had a First and Second Lady of such quality.**
Meanwhile, over at the unhappy campaign, Scott Walker <a href="http:\/\/\/entry\/scott-walker-expresses-frustration-with-romney-campaign\?ref=fpb" target="_blank">Expresses &#039;frustration&#039; with the Romney campaign</a>. As the olds pick over what&#039;s left of Ryan, and the President takes the odd potshot at Mitt. I am amazed at how quickly the wheels seem to have come off Romney. I mean really. <a href="http:\/\/www.theamericanconservative...\/larison\/movement-conservative-yes-men-are-hastening-romneys-defeat\/" target="_blank">Larrison</a> opines that &quot;Movement Conservative Yes-Men Are Hastening Romney&rsquo;s Defeat&quot;.
That was adorable!
This is so fucking cute. And spontaneous. And, you know, a teeny bit risque. Dr Jill is shown to be a regular person. Ol&#039; Handsome just lets her work her way out of it.
I would love to meet these folks. I would only want to meet the Ryans if it gave me an opportunity to punch Pauly in the nuts.
She is just cute, and evidently quick as a whip. Just look at her react to the crowd&#039;s &quot;Ar har har&quot;. Didn&#039;t freeze. Didn&#039;t try to ignore it. Just played through, charmingly.
I&#039;m 64. I assure you that in my lifetime we have never had a First and Second Lady of such quality.**
** The quality of being regular human beings.
Thank you for the little seltzer down the pants. I didn&#039;t watch much MTM, but I did see that, and it was cool.
Look at the camel on that schmuck!
the bawdy reign of power politics.
Dr. Jill, will you say a few words to the folks?
dr jill looks just fantastic in those little sheath dresses. i realize they are not as elegant as a big wraparound fish shirt, but still pretty sweet.
or Minneapolis, where doves cry...
So one guy has a dancing horse and the other guy has a VP who&#039;s hung like one?
$77,000 if he can make it dance...
I&#039;m thinking it&#039;s Jill that is getting hosed tonight and I&#039;m sure she&#039;s perfectly happy about it...
poor Rush, that penis envy must be killing him.
and the hits to the romney campaign just keep coming.
Meanwhile, over at the unhappy campaign, Scott Walker <a href="http:\/\/\/entry\/scott-walker-expresses-frustration-with-romney-campaign\?ref=fpb" target="_blank">Expresses &#039;frustration&#039; with the Romney campaign</a>. As the olds pick over what&#039;s left of Ryan, and the President takes the odd potshot at Mitt. I am amazed at how quickly the wheels seem to have come off Romney. I mean really. <a href="http:\/\/www.theamericanconservative...\/larison\/movement-conservative-yes-men-are-hastening-romneys-defeat\/" target="_blank">Larrison</a> opines that &quot;Movement Conservative Yes-Men Are Hastening Romney&rsquo;s Defeat&quot;.