I've wondered that too, who is the audience? Certainly not us and it's not enough DJT adoration for the Trump sheep. I guess the people in the middle?

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Ya know, we kind of do really need a healthy conservative party to keep the liberals / Dems on their toes - point out any flaws in our proposals, remind us that we shouldn't give away the candy store, as it were....

But the current GOP is NOT that.

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It's true- healthy democracy needs a variety of voices and ideas competing and challenging each other in order to keep everyone honest. But the GOP doesn't supply any of that at this point and hasn't for a very long time.

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So a guy who inspired and led an actual insurrection against the United States is preferable to anyone with ideas on governance that he disagrees with... got it. And we're supposed to take these assholes seriously.

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I hate Bill Barr. But he accomplished one thing. He finally convinced my Trumpy Neighbor that Trump actually lost the election. I am hopeful that there may be other Trump worshippers, who also like Barr, might take the fact from him, whereas they won't take it from anyone else.

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Just ponder how many trees died so this guy could try to revise his own personal history. Please also ponder that people like him and Doctor Birx feel the pressing need to "correct" their actual, documented actions (and lack of actions) and words. They will scrub the face of the planet clean of all trees and vegetation in order to satisfy their need for more of their pulp fiction.

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Just gonna leave these here.


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Ta, MM. I want to see him disBarred.

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This no neck prick was never one of the “normal ones.” He’s been a pro-authoritarian Opus Dei fascist his entire. He’s the guy when you want to obfuscate the truth because he’ll do anything to cover it up. And when called on it, he speaks in that soft, passive-aggressive manner where he pretends not to understand the meaning of simple words.

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Who sez we do not already have such an elixer? Every voting cycle is filled with ads by prospective applicants for office seats saying they already have that truth serum. They point out how incumbents don't have it and such a sad situation can be fixed if only you vote for the underdog.

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We don't need "a big, strong Republican Party." We don't need any more fascist enabler "memoirs" from Bill Barr.I think you can argue that the US needs (at least!) a serious fiscal-conservative party, to keep fiscal-liberals honest. What you can’t argue, is that the Republican Party is, or should be, that.

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The greenhouse gas escaping from Bill B's pie hole is an environmental catastrophe. Our time on this planet is shortened with every historical revision he makes.

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I'm sure he wouldn't care. He's past 70 and retired.

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This shite is unreal. Better the Nazi you know, the lesser of two evils, and but her emails!!1! Fuuuuuuck this guy. There is no justice without accountability.

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Nah the PAC buys ‘em all. They give them out at nonsense like CPAC.

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