Nah. I just tried it. All it did was annoy the wife.

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Flaming Lawrence of Arabia, amirite?

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What I find most disturbing about this is that there are four families who feel that the best use of their slain servicemen's memories is accusing the government of murdering them.

I know that we've seen real examples where the military has spun or covered up the facts of battlefield deaths, and it must be terribly tempting to believe that there is some hidden significance about a surprise death, even in a war zone. It's not very satisfying to chalk it up to bad luck, because then there is no one to blame.

But reading the press release about the press conference, all I see is the usual blather. There isn't even a serious accusation of a conspiracy. I'm sorry for the <strike>props</strike> families involved, but this really seems to be more about ODS than about a search for truth.

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Clearly a deliberate homage to Robespierre's Reign of Terror. This is what happens when you let New York liberals build a memorial to 9/11.

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Alas, the Grauniad moved to Sodom-on-the-Thames in 1964, having dropped "Manchester" from its name 5 years earlier. My dad was quite upset. Possibly there's a Mancunian or two still employed there, probably making tea for them big girl's blouses from Eton and Harrow.

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it must suck to be a parent of a slain service person looking for meaning in all this shit.

there's a blah socialist president you don't believe in and right wing grifters you HAVE to believe in and your child is dead.

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Reuters rhymes with goiters...what a pain in the neck.

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So, that Mohammed was pissed that he had to go the mountain rather than have it come to him, and as a result smote it with his Koran, can be taken to mean that dead Navy Seals are condemned to hell?

Who is smoking what?

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THIS is how you damn someone to Hell.

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I'm beatin' Satan with my self-flagellation!

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Hey! It's POSSIBLE that he speaks Turkish, Kazakh, Indonesian or some other muslin language, isn't it? Isn't it?

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If Christians quote the Bible that Hindoos and Muslins and other pagans are going straight to Hell when they die, they are simply expressing deeply held religious beliefs that must be respected.

On the other hand, if one of those non-franchise religions says Christians aren't riding the Angel Light Express straight up - WAR!

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"You guys should go take a look at Ana Marie Wossername’s thinky piece"


My fap breaks now have fap breaks.

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Because of the prayers of Bryan Fischer to Muscular Jesusman, obvs!

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Crap, I just blessed those troops! Now you've gone and damned them to hell?!


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