Amen. I have long thought the same.

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Shapiro knows this. He is being deliberately disingenuous because he is a shitheel with a mystifyingly evil agenda. For other examples: See his bit on how Jews who vote democrat are, essentially, race traitors.

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No but seriously. A couple of years ago I watched Ken Burns' documentary, The West (which everyone should watch if they have a spare nine hours). My god folks, the Americans stole every scrap of land that makes up the United States. In some cases, literally stole it from the native inhabitants. Then they stole human beings to work that land. Then they used Chinese labourers to build the railways, and cordially invited them all to fuck off once the work was done. Genocide and slavery weren't the only things that built the United States but by golly they built most of it.

And that's a tough thing to face if you're a white American, especially if your ancestors only got here 100 years ago, crammed into steerage with the clothes on their backs and nothing else. I get why so many white Americans get upset and defensive over people pointing out that Thanksgiving and Columbus day celebrate colonialism and genocide. But it's no use pretending it didn't happen. You have to look historical facts in the face and accept them. Especially now, when an alarming number of people have no sense of any historical continuity and divide everything into "hundreds of years ago" and "last year". When so many important events of the twentieth century are passing out of living memory. Already the adults who lived through the World Wars and the Depression have passed away. The Cold War and the Civil Rights era are next.

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Big hurrah. There is also, as Stephen doubtless knows much better than I do, that bullshit about "the South did not primarily fight to continue the slave system." There's a little thing known as the "Cornerstone Address", a speech by Vice President of the Confederacy Alexander Stephens, in which he went on and on about how wonderful slavery was, so long as it was a system in which whites enslaved blacks. He said that other slave states in history, like Sparta and the Roman Empire, had been flawed and unjust because in those societies whites had enslaved whites -- clearly an unnatural state of affairs, but blacks were suited to slavery.Those ungrateful freaks Tubman and Douglass should've been ashamed.Must've been just coincidence that the system Traitor Number Two Stephens warmly defended was the one that supported his position in the world and was the source of his wealth and power.

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oh there you go assuming Ben Shapiro treats Judaism (ethnic or otherwise) as anything other than an excuse to scream "anti-Semite!" at his critics and Muslim ladies he doesn't like.

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The United States was founded upon slavery and genocide. Recoiling from those facts is rewriting history, which, admittedly, Americans are very good at, but if the wounds are to ever heal, it must be faced squarely and honestly. I don't see that happening, and I think it is time to say "US out of North America".

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This is the part that's crazy-making to me. All Zimmershit had to do was STAY IN HIS FUCKING CAR. How the fuck does "stand your ground" even apply when you're following someone after the cops told you not to?!

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He is aggressively stupid and intellectually dishonest on a range of different topics https://twitter.com/mattlip...

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Too bad more of this country didn't have you for a teacher — sure seems like a lot of people (Ben Shapiro included) missed that lesson

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And the beautiful violin music! *sob*

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starting from Columbus that is the history of the European invasion of the Americas

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Ben usually tries to weigh in on subjects he knows nothing about.

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You know, for all the bashing that we've been giving ourselves over our collective treatment of blacks and natives.... we've been getting better at it!

The Declaration of Independence contains the phrase "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal...." At the time, it meant white males who owned property. Ever since then, we've expanded the definition of "men". Property requirements for voting were dropped in the early 1800s (Great Britain had them up until 1918). It took a while, but chattel slavery (the actual owning of people) was ended (the Global Slavery Index estimates that there are over 20 million people in forced labor worldwide today), and black men were given the right to vote. The franchise was extended to women in 1920 (France waited until 1944 to do that!)….. Socially and culturally, we've continued to expand and enlarge our definition of what the words "all men are created equal" mean. Yes, we still have a ways to go before we get proper equality - but we're moving forward.

Let's stop with the wailing and self-flagellation over past sins (which we can never atone for) and spend that energy on getting to a point where we can truly say that in the US, all people are created equal.

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Anyway, Ulysses S. Grant ... who knew a little more about the Civil War than Shapiro... said it wasn't reparations for slavery, but God's judgement on the United States for invading Mexico.

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historical revisionism is the cornerstone of right wing ideology

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