Let's just call it the Mump administration, like those Hollywood couples' cute little cojoined names.

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Come now, they're anti-vaxers. It's the Mumps administration.

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Uhhh, just learned about this. And her. Very Senior Astronaut, Peggy:



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“Any landing you can crawl away from is a good one…

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Hector who moved to the United States at age two from Mexico on his mother's back doesn't fuckin get it. trump is going to "deport the Venezuelans" whom Hector hates for whatever reason. I've scared him. He wasn't born here and has no legal claim as 40 years of coaching baseball and playing by the rules otherwise don't fuckin count.

"You got your documents in order?"

"I don't have any documents."

"I understand Venezuela is lovely this time of year."

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It’s not just Mexican and Venezuelan. The worst raceism I have seen among Hispanics is from other Hispanics. Mexicans against people from various South American countries. Porto Ricans against Mexicans, Cubans against Piurto Ricans and Mexicans. Name a combination it’s there. And the worst of the worst are Hispanic American citizens against any immigrants

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My best friend in high school who was a “light skinned” black man told me “dark skinned” black guys and he had real problems. I was taken aback as I wanted “black friends” at the time and this confused the issue. Now Mark was without a doubt at 5 foot 6 the baddest MoFo who EVER walked the earth and would just shrug it off. I wasn’t so secure and would run my mouth often to my regret. I kicked plenty of ass along the way but learned the path of least resistance through Mark. They don’t like white people (haole) in Hawaii either as I know firsthand. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Bigotry exists in all peoples. It’s not exclusive to my white ass.

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Just like any group when assuming “they all think alike” you do so at your own peril.

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Yes, the Mexican immigrant hate of Venezualans, I've encountered it. "They're all criminals!!" And rapists, presumably. Odd. Sounds so familiar.

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And the wingers play that to the hilt.

"You are a brown motherfucker Hector. trump couldn't find Venezuela on a map you pathetic dupe."

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One of the good ones— until you’re not.

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It's a joke to these guys -- until it's no longer funny.

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Had to get up early and move the car this morning because of the utility contractor's temporary no parking signs on our block. Oh by the way the car was in the shop yesterday because it was making a horrible clunking that shook the entire car when I stepped on the gas too fast. This has been going on for about two years. Turned out the transmission mount was shot. Got it fixed, and the 23-year-old thing drives like a new car again. Runs quieter too. One of the most satisfying investments of my car life. What a relief. Ahhhh...

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2002 Forester, still getting me to work every day I wanna go.

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I feel you- I'm broke, too, and I'll have to keep patching up my hooptie for the foreseeable future right along with you. Some people don't realize that not everyone can just run down to the dealer and put a down payment on an electric car.

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“Vax just tatuh, das jus’ chip.”

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Sorry I don't know Latin.

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You a po’ boy den

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*covers eyes/bangs head, alternately*

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Sherman needed nukes.

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This week's Thursday Prompt writing trigger was the word 'dodge.'

I decided upon a poetic vehicle, rather than a rebadged Chrysler:


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Better dodge than doge

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/looks at chronometer

So the Chuckle Fucks have about 17 hours to pull their shit together.


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I can see them finally passing the bill as originally agreed-upon, and Mike Johnson getting spitroasted.

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They might get the grinder out, make some Speaker sausage...

Patties or links?

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Patties, nothing remotely phallic.

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We'll set it to "mince", use the time to find a meat pie recipe...

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Titus Andronicus' old recipe.

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he, like Kevin, is already toast. Once they call for your blood, they will not stop calling for it.

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Fuck me.

I just ordered bfast.

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By Empty G and Booberts!

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Strapons! Strapons as far as the eye can see!

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(gets breakfast, still giggling)

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Well, I wonder how many shutdowns we'll have to endure before the usual morons FO.

Actually, the usual morons will never FO so long as they have somebody else to blame.

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GOP line on all failed legislation for the next four years (but really rest of party’s existence) it’s the Dems fault for not being bipartisan, not willing to compromise, etc. they don’t care about want to help the people. No one will be allowed to point out how many times GOP voted no or refused to support just because it was not their bill or would make a Democratic President look good.

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One of two things will happen. We will have a government shutdown, or the original deal will pass at the last possible second.

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Those guys are already fucked. You fuck up millions of people's holidays, you suffer.

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It's wasteful to even get near it. Agencies have to suddenly plan a gazillion contingencies because you have to do that *before* the shutdown. So they plan like fuck, and then nothing happens. Wasted effort.

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It takes three days to shut down an agency of the federal government, so they have orders and are already in the process.

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yep. LOTS of man hours.

Your tax dollars at work

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Why are the Dems so divisive and partisan?!

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But of course!

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How do those pesky dems keep stopping the GOP who controls the house all the time?

It's a mystery!

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Last second possible is Sunday at 1159 I think

So glad I already put in for my vacation time. Cause if the shutdown does happen, we have to negate that shit and come in anyway and seal up everything for the wait. And of course, not get paid until it opens which is faaaabbbulous.

I am more or less gonna be ok cause just a dirty contractor, and our money's already been paid to our company, who will pay us like normal- but boss man has 5 kids and a stay at home wife.

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Nope. Tonight at 1159. While getting things back up and running before the next business day will have less of an impact, a whole bunch of Government works weekends and holidays. Many but not all of those people are essential employees so will be at work regardless, but there are still some.

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"Drill baby drill" is as outdated as Sarah Palins family's abstinence enterprise. There are over 40,000 available oil leases on government land unclaimed as production is at an all-time high and margins are tight. The last thing the oil assholes want is more product driving cost down. trump understands none of this, but his betters will butter the correct side of his toast.

"In four years you won't have to vote again" wasn't a promise but a threat you stupid fuckin wankers!

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Also who is going to do the work on those many leases? Many of the Texas, and probably other states, oil industry workers are the immigrants he is threatening to deport. It’s hot, dirty work. If he goes thru with his deportation plan, and no reason to believe he won’t, I can see our energy output dropping.

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Food stuffs in general will be subsidized as was middle America sow bean tariffs. The cost of eggs must be met with government handouts necessitated by government deportation of all the egg workers.

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Wait, there's a correct side of toast that is supposed to be buttered?

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Tortillas also have two sides (well three if you’re going to nitpick and count the rim I guess)

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The first side you butter is the correct one.

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The one that will hit the floor, should one drop their slice...

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The buttered side

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Already a bit older, but what the fuckidifuck



Hailed as a savior upon his arrival in Helena, Dr. Thomas C. Weiner became a favorite of patients and his hospital’s highest earner. As the myth surrounding the high-profile oncologist grew, so did the trail of patient harm and suspicious deaths

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I read this article last week and it was horrifying. Especially where Medicaid or Medicare dropped the ball by not watching the patterns in a relatively small rural-like area. The doc was a monster enabled by greed and the hospital's profits.

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Well, it's Friday, gym day for me, and Friday is good because it means the weekend and more time to sleep since that is all I can do anymore. Seriously, I sleep 10 hours at night, plus another hour in the morning, and then two hours in the afternoon so I am spending more than half my time sleeping.

The HOA meeting was uneventful aside from learning that once upon a time, my complex was #1 in town for the police getting called but is now "way down at the bottom of the list." I learned the fire I saw from my windows was started by a battery in a child's toy-one of those little cars they can ride around in. I ate two cookies (frosted) and left while they were counting ballots for the next board.

Anyway, I think I'll take a nap now. My doctor appointment isn't until February so I'll be stuck feeling this way until at least then.

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JFC. Is this fibro stuff?

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No, I think it's hormonal. I can't get in to see a doctor about it until Feb.

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With right-wing backing, New England offshore wind opponents gain strength

NEFSA’s anti-wind, anti-government regulation message resonates with many in the fishing community. But the scrappy group has also been turbocharged by the $1.1 million it received from a nonprofit linked to Leonard Leo, the conservative powerhouse and co-chairman of the Federalist Society.


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Sure, online trading platforms doing transactions in milliseconds is technology that is rewarding, but renewable energy is witchcraft, and 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘺? Purest sorcerery. Burn them all

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Well, I feel strongly that those transactions need a mandatory five minute delay imposed on them.

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Uber rich fuckwads who own shore front properties on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard have been whining about this for YEARS.

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They or their children will have a lovely view of the ocean…when it’s in their living room. Thanks to climate change.

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My vista!

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By the fishing community, you mean the two (maybe three?) large companies that over-fish that part of the Atlantic, and lobby to get labor laws to not apply to the men on their boats, right?

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Rugged individualists all.

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Perhaps even salty!

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So scrappy and firebrandy to be "anti government regulation" so that they, personally, can have more money.

*glances around for something to kick*

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Leonard Leo is a-lyin.'

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Trump's infrastructure "fantasy": Ditch mass transit for self-driving cars, private highways

Trump's Project 2025 has a plan: Kill off public transit for self-driving Ubers on private toll roads


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Geez, even the Nazis had good public transit.

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Oblig: Out!!! ----->>>

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Private toll roads. Well, there goes the socialist Interstate Highway System.

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starting to sound more and more like the Libertarians took over the GOP don't it?

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They were always the same people. Libertarians are just Republicans who don't want to admit, either to themselves or others, that they're Republicans.

Signed, a former 'Libertarian'.

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I know a couple of Ls. BOTH rely on government money.

It will be interesting when they realize they were just pawns in the con.

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I picture them flopped face down on the bed, sobbing their eyes out. 😁

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I figure they will just blame Democrats.

I plan to be all NO! You Did this! YOU DID THIS

probably not. I am too nice and despite not wanting to waste sympathy on them, I probably will. But I will be thinking it really hard

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Most of the places with private toll roads I would not care to go anyway.

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I95 between where I live and Washington DC has a "public-private" toll road. I use it all the time because traffic sucks.

The public part is "helps overall congestion". The private part is profit and maintenance.

Did I mention the profit is guaranteed by the state? So if toll revenue is down, Virginia pays the difference? And that they added State Troopers on the toll roads (privately funded IIRC) solely to police payments? I suppose they're enhancing safety by being ready.

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so the only private part of it really is the....collecting money bit?

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No, they build it and maintain it, too. I think they have Investors. I think they're also in a furrin country.

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In the way companies like most - they didn't have to build it, they just get to buy it and profit off it.

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That fits with Musk's one attempt at mass transit.

Too bad the tech is starting to look similar to fusion powered electric plants.

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doubt he cares so long as the money keeps coming in

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(eyebrow wiggle) Jane and Janice share. A lot.

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My local trumpish bar that seemed to be coming around punked the fuck out on election day. Their current fairytale supposes "it will be an ugly 4 years but it will all workout in the end, and we'll survive."

"You're a fuckin idiot."

"You talkin to me?"

"Don't feel special."

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sounds like white dude-ism right now.

I will personally be ok, so sucks to be you.

When they whine about how it is now hurting them, I do not figure I will be overtly sympathetic

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Actually, a disturbing number of these folks are brown. I'm merciless with them. Most can't identify what it means let alone provide "proof of citizenship." I don't know what that means and I'm about as white as it gets.

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Protestors assembled outside of Maryland Cracker Barrel after disabled students were refused service


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These two CYA things seem in conflict.

"An unnamed representative for Cracker Barrel told TODAY that the denied service was because of staffing issues and a partially closed second dining room. The rep added that Cracker Barrel’s missteps “were unfortunate but were unrelated to the students’ capabilities.”

The restaurant said it fired the general manager and two servers at its Waldorf location. Staff members are currently undergoing specialized training."

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They're trying to throw the GM and servers under a bus.

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