Yeah, but then he escaped to Libya and killed those diplomats while Obama held them down.

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What the Obama years will be remembered for, is (1) Obama, and (2) the self-destruction of the Republican Party.

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benghazi has never been - and never will be - anything other than groundwork for smearing hillz in 2016. well, and a talking point for john mccain to bitch about not getting elected president. i imagine (and sincerely hope) it will die a firm and lasting death now that there are more meaty bones to gnaw on.

the irs scandal is likely local and will also probably die after a few sorry heads are scalped in the cincinnati office (sorry folks! it's a tough job market out there. but i can't say i don't feel for you going after baggers. they are a pathetic lot who are as far away from a 'social welfare' organization as is karl rove - or my little theatre company. but elections have consequences and america elected W twice and now we have a batshit SCOTUS).

the AP scandal is definitely more serious but the more i hear about how congress was forcing the investigation of leaks the more i think it too will not go very far. also: no one on the right really gives a shit about wiretapping and eavesdropping except as a cudgel against a democrat.

however, the president was and still is black.

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It is kind of odd that they blame the IRS-looking-into-them-then-granting-them-tax-exempt-status all on "OBAMA!!1"

Especially since they only started their stupid tax-exempt "social welfare" group because of OBAMA in the first place.

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This is a very good name for Louie Gohmert's head.

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isn't emmellemm an armadillo?

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I'm sorry but I don't think any of these "social welfare" groups are anything more than a method of hiding profits.

The fucking South Beach Diet was a ostensibly better for all of society than every teabaggerty group handing out free pocket constitutions, yet those authors didn't get to claim some "tax-exempt" status while profiting on the latest fad.

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<blockquote>So let’s forget them and luxuriate in the fact that we won’t have to hear about how the deficit is molesting our children for the next few minutes.</blockquote>

Has this man ever even met a Republican?

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No, no, you have it wrong. Austerity could have <em>saved</em> us from Ben Ghazi, but O-Bam-Bam wouldn't let it...

And now Ben Ghazi is on the loose. I bet the Usurper isn't even looking for him in caves.

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As our author has pointed out, you cannot divide by zero.

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The CBO went out of it's way to attribute the reduction to increased revenues.

ofc, according to the right, the CBO is radically partisan, except when it agrees with them.

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Guess you <strong>can</strong> teach an old dog new tricks...

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