You know, it's funny. I've been a white American for fifty years now and I've never felt that my interests needed defending. Well, at least not any interests that stem from being a white American specifically.
It's a shame you can't buy American made guitar parts any more. Even the freaking over-priced Gibson and Fender Custom Shop(Made in America!) guitars have Asian made parts on them.
Koch and Sumner Redstone both had near death experiences, so they decided to double down on being horrible people. Not the reaction most people have to almost dying.
As my niece sez, "Eeeewww. Just..eeeewww!"
Third time's a charm - hopefully.
Because I'm stranded here on Masada and God has abandoned me?
Unexpected Girl Genius!
good point!
Yep, this should be a bigger story, I agree. I , for one, would like it if this made the 24-y7 news cycle
"..if their excuse was true.."And if pigs had wings, windshield wipers would be made of tungsten and HDPE instead of aluminum and rubber.
You know, it's funny. I've been a white American for fifty years now and I've never felt that my interests needed defending. Well, at least not any interests that stem from being a white American specifically.
The Attorney-General of the United States assuming the role of Josef Goebbels is an outrage. This "man" should be impeached immediately.
Just WHY did you have to remind me that Ann Coulter exists?
The plane crash didn't get him, but Jebus smote him with his jet ski.
You hope.
You could set up a booth at Lollapalooza a make a mint tattooing that, and other Asian delicacies, all day. The kids dig it.
It's a shame you can't buy American made guitar parts any more. Even the freaking over-priced Gibson and Fender Custom Shop(Made in America!) guitars have Asian made parts on them.
Koch and Sumner Redstone both had near death experiences, so they decided to double down on being horrible people. Not the reaction most people have to almost dying.