On Monday Trumpist were all upset that people in Arizona and West Virginia were politely asking their Senators to state their position on the Build Back Better plan.
Now they are upset that people who threaten violence against public officials might be held accountable.
So, it is bad to politely aske a politician to take a position and answer questions, but it is OK to threaten violence.
I may not have kids, but I do pay property taxes. And since I don't have any children taking out of the system, my tax dollars are worth about twice as much as any parent's. Therefore, I have as much right as parents (when it comes to what's happening in schools which I help fund), to make my feelings heard. I've been fighting against misinformed anti-maskers at school board meetings since late last year, where I've been told by the stupid arse anti-vaxx/anti-mask cultists that I have no right to be there.
This reminds me of my epic poem about the (Second) Senate Impeachment hearings. The first stanza (and the title) are dedicated to Hawley.
I Don’t know But I’m Suspicious
1.I don’t know but I’m suspicious.Brown caravan after caravan ‘cause the Border Wall’s fictitious.Proud Boys flew to DC, they stayed in a fine hotel.Georgia now is investigating Trump’s mobster call from Hell.Q went onto your rostrum, they rifled through your desk.Will the Senate let DJT’s dereliction of duty rest?`2.I don’t know, but I’m suspicious.We won’t back down, Taylor-Greene’s not bad, she’s just ambitious.Jewish space lasers over CA, swimming with gefilte fishes.Why are these vegan Kosher knishes all up in our satellite dishes?Reconciliation without accountability, we’ll be back here in two years.The traitor mob acted at Trump’s command, the Senate now must face its fears.
OK, bonus MTG stanza. I still really wish to be appointed Wonkette's pro bono Poet Laureate.
exactly - you don't let children wave knives about because 'telling them no stifles their creativity', so why should adults get away with dangerous and stupid behaviour?
On Monday Trumpist were all upset that people in Arizona and West Virginia were politely asking their Senators to state their position on the Build Back Better plan.
Now they are upset that people who threaten violence against public officials might be held accountable.
So, it is bad to politely aske a politician to take a position and answer questions, but it is OK to threaten violence.
That does sound like Hawley.
As opposed to throwing him out ...
The guy that the CA GOP paid $300 million to publicly humiliate?
A terrorist is mad at anti-terror bills, news at 8.
"Hey everyone! Look at my new Fitbit!"
Remember when Roodles farted directly on Jenna Ellis in public! Good times!
Something, something Castle Doctrine.
I think he should be forced to stand on top of a trap door.
Christ what a shitstain. I don't know who embarrasses me more, him or my fellow Missourians that voted for his Nazi bastard face.
Yup. Fuck Hawley.
I may not have kids, but I do pay property taxes. And since I don't have any children taking out of the system, my tax dollars are worth about twice as much as any parent's. Therefore, I have as much right as parents (when it comes to what's happening in schools which I help fund), to make my feelings heard. I've been fighting against misinformed anti-maskers at school board meetings since late last year, where I've been told by the stupid arse anti-vaxx/anti-mask cultists that I have no right to be there.
I always liked the Babinsky reflex. Saw Dr. Early administer it on Emergency! tonight.
This reminds me of my epic poem about the (Second) Senate Impeachment hearings. The first stanza (and the title) are dedicated to Hawley.
I Don’t know But I’m Suspicious
1.I don’t know but I’m suspicious.Brown caravan after caravan ‘cause the Border Wall’s fictitious.Proud Boys flew to DC, they stayed in a fine hotel.Georgia now is investigating Trump’s mobster call from Hell.Q went onto your rostrum, they rifled through your desk.Will the Senate let DJT’s dereliction of duty rest?`2.I don’t know, but I’m suspicious.We won’t back down, Taylor-Greene’s not bad, she’s just ambitious.Jewish space lasers over CA, swimming with gefilte fishes.Why are these vegan Kosher knishes all up in our satellite dishes?Reconciliation without accountability, we’ll be back here in two years.The traitor mob acted at Trump’s command, the Senate now must face its fears.
OK, bonus MTG stanza. I still really wish to be appointed Wonkette's pro bono Poet Laureate.
exactly - you don't let children wave knives about because 'telling them no stifles their creativity', so why should adults get away with dangerous and stupid behaviour?
it isn't a policy speech . . . their entire policy can be summed-up thusly:
'N' followed by 'O'
everything else is just rotten meat thrown to the base who have no sense of smell.