Yes, and Oprah promoted the hell out if it. Her book club was just another money-grubbing scam. While I don't remember the book and author now, she added one book into her club, and the author demanded that she remove it. I'm not sure if her club version had been pinted yet at the time or not.

In what was basically just a performative stunt to give her more publicity, in 2022 she had the famous Russian novel ''War and Peace'' written by Leo Tolstoy (published in 1869) removed from her stupid club because of the war in Ukraine.

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He seems drunk all the time.

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Thanks, Oprah, for dumping this nitwit on your bored, sad suburban viewership. I'm sure he helped a lot of people.

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He almost sound proud of his intentionally offensive accent. He cultivated it in the same way Reagan made stupidity a fashionable trait among Republicans -- to they point they learned to take pride in their ignorance.

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The person? is actually a fan of Oprah, believe it or not. Might as well proclaim Trump as her? "savior."

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"Look! I read me a cHaPtEr book," chirp the bored suburban sheep.

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Self-outing ignorance makes me laugh. (At her, not with her.)

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Both trash from the same box.

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For instance, how she taught her viewers to "think," heh heh.

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Gene, Gene, the Dancing Machine!

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She basically thinks that any man who criticises any woman, but especially ones that are rich and famous, must hate all women. Yeah, there are many men who hate women, but she cannot distinguish between men who hate only certain women, and those that hate all.She is basically just a nasty misandrist, as bad as any woman-hater.

Also, she has had her comments removed many times because of this, and sometimes completely blocked.

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Yeah, this looks too much like a money-making scheme. A shame she feels she has to do this.

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If your whole persona, your whole sense of being centers around your penis, you are by definition a real DICK

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The 'Y" chromosome is actually an empty space. Dr. Phil is a big chunk of emptiness.

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Jerry Springer without the fighting

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Dude is a fucking douche bag. He has caused way more harm to people than he has ever helped.

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