Obama, sure, although his mother was born in the US. I think Trump was hoping to strip citizenship from any child born in the US to migrant workers. Also, any of those South Asian kids whose parents are working here on H1B visas.
It’s not that the DOJ isn’t doing anything. It’s that history has not typically punished people like these for behaving like a bunch of treasonous assholes, and it’s hard to believe that justice is suddenly going to be served.
Which is why the people involved, from the ones who broke into the buildings on Jan 6th to Eastman and TFG, should be given no quarter.
It might prevent the next coup plotters from actually, you know, plotting a coup, bc the consequences are kinda bad.
Similar results would indicate justice being done.
Same. If they get butthurt about it, ignore them.
He knows a thing or two because he's seen a thing or two
You mean that's not how it's pronounced?? Well, shit.
If it looks like treason and smells like treason...
Yep. They'd like to do that again.
Yes. And yes.
Didn’t even realize that Ronna was in on it. All of these assholes belong in jail.
These assholes would happily restart the Civil War today, so I can believe this.
“You should check this guy out, he really hates n—uh, criminals.”
I always add the Oy.
Obama, sure, although his mother was born in the US. I think Trump was hoping to strip citizenship from any child born in the US to migrant workers. Also, any of those South Asian kids whose parents are working here on H1B visas.
It’s not that the DOJ isn’t doing anything. It’s that history has not typically punished people like these for behaving like a bunch of treasonous assholes, and it’s hard to believe that justice is suddenly going to be served.
Seriously. Who would have thought Dan Quayle could save the US from ruin? How many tears has it been since we heard his name?
How about frauds?