I am an avid reader of the Constitution and I need someone to point out SPECIFICALLY where in Article II these unchecked powers are detailed. I keep reading it over and over, and nope, can't find me no unchecked power.

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They are all such bad liars. It's just so obvious as the words come tumbling out that these people are saying things that they know are not true. At least with the previous repub administration, you had some professional liars, people who could say shit like, "the Iraq war will pay for itself" or "the economy is just having a hiccup" with a straight face and enough fake sincerity that they could actually fool some of the people most of the time. These clowns, even their deplorable baser knows they are getting bullshit from them.

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Is it too late to send a wedding gift and does "Salted Rat Dicks in a Box" deliver?

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My rational prefrontal cortex says, if she does not know what she married then she is not competent to get married nor drive a car nor have a credit card nor be unsupervised at any time.

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Isn't she Mike Pence's press secretary? (that's what wiki says)

..Think you might be right there.

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For those of you who collect embarrassing photos of Kellyanne --come out from the shadows, people --I'm emptying my vault today.

Here's Kellyanne doing the "air quotes" thing: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Here she is sharing an intimate moment with semi-human Ted Cruz. I think they're plotting to eat babies, from the looks of it:


Here's her famous inaugural ball getup: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Here's Kellyanne's face doing something weird while she's bickering with Anderson Cooper: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Here she is sharing in intimate moment with Sarah Huckasans: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Back in the joisey girl cheerleader days...


And finally, Wonder Woman, except her Lasso of Truth works the opposite: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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She seems so comfortable lying that I'd be worried if I was George. Regardless of their weird relationship to truth, he's gotta have quite a constiitution.

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There's a huge difference between public opinion on news events (Rodney King, Freddie Gray) or using the actual pardoning power, for better or worse, after justice has been independently administered ...

True enough. And it's sure true enough that KAC is more full of shit than a Christmas goose.

But the above doesn't quite cover Bill Clinton's last-minute pardon of fugitive financier Mar Rich. Bubba gonna have a lotta time to spend clinging to the bottom rung of purgatory contemplating that one.

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I think that people should be snarky about EVERYTHING that is Kellyanne Conway. Usually you'd expect that common decency would apply to all human beings. She does not have the identifiers of a human being. I'm not certain what she is, but it ain't people, people.

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Sounds a bit like my mother, who is only three years older. Big difference is I'm a good son, but if I never saw her again I wouldn't be unhappy about it. When she needs me I'll be there, Other than that I have no affinity for her whatsoever. Love hasn't entered the picture since before I was old enough to use a regular chair at church. I sat on the primary colored bentwood children's chairs and was pretty much alone. Nothing is as lonely as a six year old rationalist among fundagelicals.

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And what does that have to do with anything Trump, his bitch Barr or his nutjob apologist KAC does or says? Seems like whaddaboudism to me.

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He doesn’t need to...Barr’s head is so far up Trump’s ass that he can hear him mumbling to himself when he twittles.

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Finally she gets what she always wanted - she can say any monstrous thing she likes and not have to worry about upsetting the legumes.

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We're gonna need more rope.

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Whataboutism to the whataboutism power!

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