Romney's strategy against China was to overwhelm them with work orders.

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The Walk of Shame. Looks like she came straight from entertaining the troops.

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She has such a flat ass, eww!

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If she starts to run low we could try fracking her...

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WAY too much, at a guess.

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The F-35 bids fair to join a select company: the Douglas Devastator, the Brewster Buffalo, the Curtiss Helldiver...

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What with her college degree from... QVC University?...she could surely do better than any old military procurement procedure, surely - especially since Obama makes all these decisions himself personally. What would a Socialist know about smart shopping, anyways? Just ask her subscribers, she knows the value of a dollar - your dollar, not hers, thank you.

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So wait, did Ms. Heartbeat-away-from-the-Presidency just advocate a unilateral declaration of war against a neutral country?

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This map is not to scale.

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"So, who do I make the check out to?"

"Just make it out to the name of our cause: 'Conservative Action Starts Here'.... save yourself some time by just using the initials!"

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Worse, the odd shape you see there is padding. Easier to see in a couple other shots.

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Isn't the free market at work?...

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That Football would come in handy the next time the Palins, reacting with potence, get into a street brawl.

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In his first term as president, Obama cut $478 billion in our defense spending, and another $600 billion in cuts is comin’ in the future.

Actually, Defense spending has been increasing every year, Honey.

Obama just didn't give the Pentagon every gold-plated toilet they wanted, because he thought Conservatives wanted smaller Government???

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The conservative vision is of America declaring war on everyone who won't invite our troops in willingly, with sweets and flowers.

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When the Fartknocker endowment comes up for renewal, please can we just have booze instead?

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