How about she gives us the gift of thinking only, instead of talking also, ever again, with either her mouth or her hands or her ass.

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Jon Stewart weeps and checks to see if he can move his retirement back...

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In 2010, millionaires and billionaires in America earned $840 billion. Now, even if the federal government took all of their income, every penny of what they make, every last cent of it, it would be about $11 trillion, according to the Census Bureau. Even if our government stole every single penny of their money, $11 trillion, that would still not be enough to pay off our debt!

SO: Billionaires and millionaires earned $840 Billion - and if the Govt took it all, it would become $11 TRILLION (which is a whole lot MORE than $840 Billion) but THAT wouldn't be enough???

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I'm having flashbacks to Dr Strangelove and mineshaft gaps.

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I think that to the Palins "patriotism" is listening to, and then babbling ,the propaganda of Fox news and talking points on whatever conservative blogs you can find. Don't let those precious inquiring minds read anything or research on their own. It's pretty obvious Bristol never had a thought any different from mom's.

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I think that's more projection from St. Sarah, because it's obvious her offspring are too cool to aspire to an education more advanced than "hair school" and "skin school". Or reform school, in the case of her drug-addled son (yes, she has only one; the other was borrowed from Bristle).

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Since Ms. Palin has bloggily assured us that her previously "disappointing" fetus was actually "planned," the consensus among PDS sufferers (including yours truly) is that her latest offspring should be called Trapp.

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Just want to say, I love and get at least half of my information from The Fartknocker Report, presented and brought to us by Fartknocker, a secular saint and legend if there ever was one.

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If stupid Sarah Palin took a good look at what's happening in Kansas, she would never again say that taxing the rich at lower rates is sound fiscal policy. But I suppose she would just say some other dumb things instead.

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She yanked his doodle , it was dandy

and something about a "pony"

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Toby Keith's ... Sarah shouldn't be championing this chain as they've had tax problems in various states with liquor and tax authorities due to owing back taxes. Most recently a Toby Keith's location abruptly closed in Minnesota due to back taxes owed. Yet it figures that Sarah would put a plug in for this chain as some how a great cause of American capitalism (i.e., screwing the taxpayers of several states).

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In this weather I'd rather have an ice cream koan.

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My vote: Jäger.

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Or Yipe.

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Vagina. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable.

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