I don't believe, you, or anyone, could handle it. It'd be like looking directly into the sun, if the sun was a crazy spout hole of non-stop nonsense words.
If you want a truly nightmarish experience, put her Iowa speech (the recent, really horrible one, the "lost teleprompter" one) on in a loop before you go to sleep. Turn the volume low, just enough to hear it.
Holy shit! This is from the ultra-right Washington Examiner<i>: &quot;I know she is popular, but it is hard to take her seriously given that performance,&quot; said Sam Clovis, the conservative Iowa college professor, radio commentator, and sometime political candidate. &quot;Palin was a sad story Saturday. With every speech she gives, she gets worse and worse. If one were playing a political cliche drinking game, no one would have been sober after the first 15 minutes of an interminable ramble. It was really painful.&quot; ... &quot;Calling Gov. Palin&#039;s remarks bizarre and disjointed would be charitable,&quot; said a well-connected Iowa Republican. &quot;Her shelf-life, even with the most conservative voters in our party, seems to be near the end. In a day filled with strong performances from likely candidates ranging from Scott Walker to Ted Cruz, her remarks were a distraction.&quot;</i>
palinbot: Its the same sense of urgency that propelled the Sons and daughters of those who froze with Washington at Valley Forge and who held the offenders to account. Along with fellow reformers in the free market economy and for we the People of America in a long march towards saving our country. A ship in harbor is safe, but thats not why the far lefts irresponsible and radical policies awakened a sleeping America so that they can expand and hire people here, to the people, we wont respond?as tempting as it is?to anyone who just has such disdain for our freedom and if YOU hope for a better America, when the cloud of rhetoric has passed and the good times and the crony capitalism because it feeds off corporate welfare and all the rest of America, and we can to not let them do it ourselves or the worlds highest federal corporate income tax rate in the United States Army.
"Recatalyze"...???? WTF, Palin's Word Salad is back on the menu, boys!
LMFAO....what a f u c k i n trainwreck.
I don't believe, you, or anyone, could handle it. It'd be like looking directly into the sun, if the sun was a crazy spout hole of non-stop nonsense words.
If you want a truly nightmarish experience, put her Iowa speech (the recent, really horrible one, the "lost teleprompter" one) on in a loop before you go to sleep. Turn the volume low, just enough to hear it.
Holy shit! This is from the ultra-right Washington Examiner<i>: &quot;I know she is popular, but it is hard to take her seriously given that performance,&quot; said Sam Clovis, the conservative Iowa college professor, radio commentator, and sometime political candidate. &quot;Palin was a sad story Saturday. With every speech she gives, she gets worse and worse. If one were playing a political cliche drinking game, no one would have been sober after the first 15 minutes of an interminable ramble. It was really painful.&quot; ... &quot;Calling Gov. Palin&#039;s remarks bizarre and disjointed would be charitable,&quot; said a well-connected Iowa Republican. &quot;Her shelf-life, even with the most conservative voters in our party, seems to be near the end. In a day filled with strong performances from likely candidates ranging from Scott Walker to Ted Cruz, her remarks were a distraction.&quot;</i>
Can you imagine trying to explain syntax to her?
If this is the final product, and the very best they could do, I want to see the outtakes of this. It must be simply astonishing.
Can anyone wait until Ted Cruz starts releasing videos like this?
You want derp with that?
Hey, I just did that. Luvin&#039; it.
palinbot: Its the same sense of urgency that propelled the Sons and daughters of those who froze with Washington at Valley Forge and who held the offenders to account. Along with fellow reformers in the free market economy and for we the People of America in a long march towards saving our country. A ship in harbor is safe, but thats not why the far lefts irresponsible and radical policies awakened a sleeping America so that they can expand and hire people here, to the people, we wont respond?as tempting as it is?to anyone who just has such disdain for our freedom and if YOU hope for a better America, when the cloud of rhetoric has passed and the good times and the crony capitalism because it feeds off corporate welfare and all the rest of America, and we can to not let them do it ourselves or the worlds highest federal corporate income tax rate in the United States Army.
No. Just no.
You didn&#039;t stick around for the epic mic drop?! Kids today.
Set her loose on an ice floe so she can be Turing the Bering Straits.
I find that she already serves.... as a cautionary tale.
I don&#039;t know about that. I was always under the impression we were supposed to watch the videos.