People actually pay to hear what Sarah Palin has to say?...

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These are the same idiots who tell liberals to wake up all the time. I'm glad they're being taken.

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I would venture to say that anyone who is a fan of Sarah's is lonely and confused already. Very confused. Mayhap terminally so. Le sigh *.

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Possibly. Can't be THAT many of them. I hope. Maybe I've been lucky in that I hang with the ones who take the show's message seriously?

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Grifing, it turns out, is shockingly like actual work.

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Yeah, I see wingnuts using 'progressive' as a pejorative a lot nowadays. I guess they don't realize that makes them regressive...

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It makes you wonder what is going on in SarahLand.

After being abandoned by conservatives across the spectrum because of her embarrassing January speech in Iowa, Palin cancelled her speech at Oxford and cancelled her speech at the NRA.

Maybe she is sulking because the conservative community did not rally to her support after her drunken, incoherent speeches. And the conservative candidate gatherings have stopped inviting her.

Her internet channel that debuted at a ranking of 35,000 is now hovering at around 1.1 million.

Poor Sarah. What does she do next?

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You are correct.

"Does the gun kick daddy?"

Then, in between each shot that she missed, her dad takes the rifle from her and chambers another round.

How many true hunters cannot use a simple bolt action? Lift, pull back, slide forward, push down.

Lee Harvey Oswald did it seven (?) times in five seconds.

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Odd, wasn't it, that the caribou didn't run away after the first missed shot? It hung around until it (finally) got hit. Maybe they edited out the part where the caribou snarled "Enough already", grabbed the gun and shot himself.

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Find another potentially-famous patriot to try and marry her daughter off to.

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I think even the Caribou was smart enough to know that Sarah couldn't hit it. No reason to run away

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Really people? All of you think you are smarter than a former Governor that you feel you can comment on her grand strategy..she knows what she doing, shes like a chess master, always thinking, making moves, 3-4 times ahead of the rest ready to strike, ready to take control. You know, thats not a radio, I spilled my soup, the fish is dying, where am I?

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... Porno. Yeah, it's desperate, but then, so is she. It worked for Paris Hilton, and Kim Karcrashian, so... this could be the exact thing to propel her to prominence again. You just know that there are more than enough Republicans to make this commercially viable. Miz Linz of course will want to see more of Tawd than $arah, but he's willing to put up with the squicky bits if he can see that Alaska Idiot-rod in action.

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... doesn't even have to be a "patriot"... at this point, marrying Bristle off is just a matter of "whoever the fuck will have her"... but media name recognition would be a plus.

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... $arah Palin's fans are the epitome of "the dumbing down of America"... just when you think "people can't be this stupid!"... $arah comes along and proves... "yes they can". I can't even scream in rage anymore. I'm fucking speechless... but I hope this is temporary.

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... well, they were... until it turned out she had nothing to say, and yet she continued to speak. Then they hunkered down and re-subscribed because they just had sincerely held beliefs that eventually the Wasilla Grifter would find a tulip bulb of sense. She won't of course, but it doesn't stop her from digging around in the dirt.

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