Emboldened by last week's victory for the rights of gun-humpers to be able to ALSO be able to hump bullets, Field Marshall Sarah Palin presses forward.
I hope there's still a Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report in 20 or 30 years. By then it would be one of the comforting and familiar things I could enjoy into my dotage.
For the minute. The hair comes & goes just like her fake boobs do and like her not-pregnant belly swelled & shrunk during her fake pregnancy with Trig. She's so lazy she just can't "member" to be consistent with her many "additions." =)
There was supposed to be a big wedding or reception for Track when he got married. It never materialized & they were divorced mere months after his "premature" daughter was born. Her father is the minister who married them. Pictures of their ceremony hid the shotgun that was hidden for the picture taking. ;)
Nano Palin Libel!!!
She does have a child named Nano, doesn't she?
Has there ever been a failed vice-presidential candidate who got more mileage out of less votes than this woman?
The theme of the Sarah Palin hour?https://s3.amazonaws.com/gi...
What's Geraldine Ferraro doing these days?
Something far more productive with her time, one would hope.
My invitation was lost in a family brawl.
And sneaky! Self-proclaimed messiah hid all evidence of his proclamation, just like his Kenyan birf certificat!
I hope there's still a Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report in 20 or 30 years. By then it would be one of the comforting and familiar things I could enjoy into my dotage.
She doesn't seem to realize that the ATF is there to address my constitutional right to be protected from her fellow-travelers?
It SHOULD hurt to be that stupid...but sadly, it does not seem to.
For the minute. The hair comes & goes just like her fake boobs do and like her not-pregnant belly swelled & shrunk during her fake pregnancy with Trig. She's so lazy she just can't "member" to be consistent with her many "additions." =)
Yes, our blanket ban on comments mentioning he who shall not be mentioned continues...
...as does the ban from google ads and DFP.
There was supposed to be a big wedding or reception for Track when he got married. It never materialized & they were divorced mere months after his "premature" daughter was born. Her father is the minister who married them. Pictures of their ceremony hid the shotgun that was hidden for the picture taking. ;)
That's what she thought too. She didn't get her share so she wants to eliminate them.
Turn speaker volume down.
Resting in Peace.
So, yes.