Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle?

His wife died.


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Hey, Sugar Tits...http://cdn.makeagif.com/med...

Said no one to Sarah Palin, ever.

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"Lou Sarah " is always worried about Gubmint Intervention and taxes and such. That's WHY when she was 'The Gubmint Gov' she GAVE away 500 Million to TransCanada to build a gas pipeline.

Not one ' pipe was ever laid ' (Except for Tawd with his Hookers ) and what did Alaska get for that FREE Donation to TransCanada.... Nothing. She's a real @Sharpie... at least when she writes on her hand.

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Why bother making a boat when the Truth Detector made from gourds and coconuts is working just fine???


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You'll take away Grifterella's Big Gulp over her diabetic-coma body...


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Wow, that's some serious meth mouth going on there.

Sarah's working Blue, as they used to say....


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That must have been one hell of a TransCanada picnic, Sarah...http://weknowmemes.com/wp-c...

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Lovely, isn't she? Strung out as she is stupid. Or is it the other way around?

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Is it just me or are the American Flag pins getting bigger and bigger with each "episode"

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Ok, so, what I got from that is ISIS is coming into Connecticut through their open borders and taxing soft drinks. Did I get it right?

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Mrs Palin was quite happy when it became legal to shoot wolves from a helicopter in AK but upping the tax on sugared drinks in Connecticut is a bridge too far????

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Quick question: Does anybody else in the world watch Sarah Palin other than the Wonketteres/Fartknockerees? If not, is it time to pull the plug? Just asking.

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Whoopee! !!

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How can there be rules when commenting isn't allowed?

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I remember when she objected to big gulps being prohibited from downtown streets with no sanitary convenient place to piss. She just couldn't think that there might be a REASON large to go drinks were trying to be curbed other than her own little bubble.

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Bimbo palin desperate to say sumphin stupid. Tod tod git in here and look at this. Shit honey put that away.. phew smells like dead beeva. Tod its a clammm. All the rage in bamma. Hope she dies in a house fire...

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