I have such a bad mental image, now - thanks

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"mansion of YouTuber"



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Like what value do the Kardashians offer this country?

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"They produce nothing of value and make millions somehow"

The very essence of a modern capitalist nation ....

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So...people who pretend matter tried to horn in on the activity of people who actually matter, and got caught looting like a common mall rat? And now it's a federal case with guns and a pimp?

Gotcha, thanks.

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"He doesn't know anything about anything."

IMHO, this is a rather generous assessment.

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Sixteen minutes? I don't think so.

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So, now I know who this douche is.

And I still don't give a rat's ass.

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Anything worth saying can be said in a telegram in fifteen words or less STOP

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They're salesmen. And as e.e. cummings said, "A salesman is an it that stinks."

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Oi! drop a warning before you link to TV tropes!

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Don't know about most, but some. Some gen-X are still having babies. Really the whole generation thing is just silly marketing shorthand.

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