Ooh ooh! What do you think Trump's nickname is going to be for Scott? Let' see..Timid ScottTim SnottDim Tim

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These are people who claim the government can raise more revenue by cutting taxes.

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All that will happen is the teens will only become more curious about subjects they are not allowed to know about. It's like telling your kids "Don't EVER go into that room in the basement." They will be obsessed about what is being hidden from them.

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How about mandatory classes on how to load and shoot your assault weapon?

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At least MTG is fucking over McCarthy.

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And if it turns over is it a rock 'n' roll lobster?

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He's Making America Great Again.At least until he comes back.

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They can practice tying tourniquets with each other's hair while in lockdown.

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It's not the school's responsibility to teach that. The parents will decide what level of knowledge their children receive on that subject.

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AKA the Comer Standard. Yeah, you have to sign your real name to a document stating you're the driver for a patient having an outpatient procedure. Damned medicos are picky like that.

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Same place they were when they were screaming states' rights. Whogivesafuck?

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Those red state colleges are going to produce some interesting frat life when ALL the female students decide to go to schools in blue states.

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Do you blame them? California's so woke.

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Ramaswamy also equates abortion with murder but says it's a "states' right issue." That's not how "states' rights" work, even if a Republican nominee barely polling above skim milk says so.Isn't it, though? I thought murder was a state crime? The bigger issue with this argument seems to be that no elected Republican actually wants abortion to be a state issue.

What abortion is a bad idea to Democrats? Ninth month, eighth month, seventh month? They can't even articulate an abortion that's a bad idea.Sure we can, we just have to use the magic C word that Republican leaders don't want their base to know about. There are some Orthodox Jews who believe abortion is mandatory if it is needed to save the life of a pregnant person. Democrats are against any abortion that doesn't involve the consent of the person getting it, in exactly the same way we oppose forcing anyone to give birth without their consent.

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The Confederate States loved States Rights so much that they made sure to put the sentence

No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed. in Article I of the constitution of the confederacy.

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With a touch of Jed Clampett… https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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