Well to be fair, Democrats have been talking an awful lot about the 1%ers and the .01%ers lately.

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I have to give props to Buttigieg too.

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Unless you have a mother who’s so Victorian she can’t bring herself to even say the word “underpants,” and instead just says “pants” in a super awkward voice and waits for you to figure out what she’s talking about and then causes you to feel awkward whenever you say “pants,” even when you’re just taking about the regular kind...I mean, that *is* funny, but only after about ten years of saying “slacks” even though you know no one has called them that since like 1971.

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anything and everything with drogon can be watched for eternity.

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Wine now has 3 upvotes, including mine. Whisky would be my close second.

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Hey, I've taught entire classes with my fly open. Does that count? I've taught entire DAYS with one brown and one black shoe, and documented it on FB. So there.

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I'm with you on the "I'm seriously sad the candidates even responded" Maybe Biden is onto something for once his life.

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I concur. And I was alive (albeit small) for a considerable part of it.

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Marianne Williamson is lying. Everyone has comfort foods, apart from people who are actually starving, and then the answer is just "food."

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Ready Player One. I'm really enjoying it.

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After decades of painstaking research, the answer has finally arrived - As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

However, my working and explanation are hidden behind a paywall.

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But really, everybody's hero is MAH WIFE.Wow, Evan, I had no idea your wife was that popular among Democratic presidential candidates. Heck, I didn't even know you had a wife. She must be a heckuva lady.

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Yes, her mention of that moment just leaves me full of questions. I mean, sure, I can think of sort-of reasonable ways it could happen ("I was taking something out of my carry-on bag, which also had a change of clothes, and snagged my undies without realizing it, pulling them out of the bag and dropping them."), but I am really hoping for a much more entertaining anecdote.

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[sort of related terrible joke]One year just before Christmas, a disc jockey on a local radio station in Washington DC decided that it would be a nice idea to phone up the ambassadors from various countries in the US capital and ask them what they were asking for for Christmas.When he took the call, the British ambassador, a polished and professional diplomat, saw the question as one fraught with pitfalls – he could appear ostentatious, or even sound like he was open to bribes – so he decided to play it as safe as possible. “Oh I really don’t want much at all,” he said. “I’ll be very happy with some aftershave and a new pair of slippers.”Christmas morning came around, and the DJ was on the air doing his show: “We called the French ambassador, and he said his Christmas wish is for peace and goodwill to all men. The Chinese ambassador, he wants an end to hunger and disease throughout the world. The British ambassador wants aftershave and slippers.”[/sort of related terrible joke]

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Just finished The Mueller Report, go me! And The Well of Loneliness, bc they go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

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"Leading Men", a novel about Tennessee Williams, his long-term lover, and semi-fictional events in their lives and people in their orbit - sounds strange but it is fascinating and a good read.

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