Mosaic? No, no, no...Cello! The first windows web browser for discerning pre-Wonketteers.

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The real villain here is that traitorous letter "e". Sometimes it's silent, sometimes it's a moslem crescent. I hate that letter. In fact, it is now banishd from my kyboard. Goddamn unAmrican lttr.

But wors is lttr "c". It IS the moslm crscnt -- no disguis. It's out too. Fuking disloyal, non-hristian, unAmrian lttr.

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I've written it before and I'll write it again: Some people has waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands!

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My question for the people upset with the Islamic crescent moon is: "Why are you even using this 'Goog' site in the first place?"

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=Csj7vMKy4EI" target="_blank">Cuz you don't mess around with...God's America.</a>

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Are you saying they are suffering from such severe dementia they can't remember last weekend?

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I was running a BeOS system my first year of college, one of techs could not get the NMAP script to log my OS -- college policy forbade even macs -- they were even allowed to gain physical access to my room. No Antivirus, no Internet.

My roommate at the time was a rugby player cheating on his best friend's girl so when they cracked open the door, he was so terrified he drunkshat himself, lol, good times. The room never smelled the same after that. Next semester I moved off campus.

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Move to the blue states, let the red states eat themselves.

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You know...I miss those days...those days when getting on the web took a little effort and it wasn't "pretty" or "content focused". There were folks who got computers and those who thought computers were "too hard".

(Yes, I know...bold words from a dude posing on one of the 'net's premier discussion/sarcasm sites)

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I think he's just stirring things up.

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Q: How come poop is pointed on one end?

A: So your ass doesn't slam shut.

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If teabaggers only listened to reason, I'd like to try to attempt to convince them that the truly sensible response here would be to poke out their eyeballs in order to prevent the muslin from ever getting in via all of these subliminal crescents attacking our freedoms everywhere.

But they don't listen to reason. Very unfortunate, now they will be eternally at risk of muslin infection. It is just a matter of time before someone anally rapes America with one of these pointy devices, spawning a feco-mohammedan tax loving socialist nazi buttbaby. WAKE UP TEABAGGERS, TO THE REAL THREAT TO OUR VERY RECTUMS!

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There must be word for people who this psychotic need to be perpetually outraged to the point of hallucinations.

I mean there must be a word other then asshole.

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