It's his usual teleprompter voice.

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Both-sides-ism requires some cutting, pruning, and grooming.

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Whistle blower testifies: trump soils undies.

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"Their"? I hope it's a woman that brings Trump down.

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I really only like one Bible verse. This is it.

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Ayup. He would only move on that bill if it benefited him OR it's CYA time.

TBH, I didn't expect him to release that bill. But just like the Kavanaugh hearings, I could not NOT do something. The most I was hoping is that it just put more stink on him and maybe folks in KY would come to their senses next year.

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They must all be voted out of office for our nation and our planet to survive. Every damn last one of 'em. They are a clear and present danger, fostering violence and destruction.

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I have no faith that anyone who still supports Trump at this point will ever change their minds. They'll just spend the rest of forever screaming and/or muttering about DEEP STATE SORE LOSER DEMOCRAT PARTY. Maybe a few will just try and keep quiet about their support of him and hope no one ever brings it up again. A handful of Republican politicians *cough* Lindsey Graham *cough* will pretend they were tough on Trump from the beginning and hold up random frowny-face mild disapproval tweets they sent once several years ago and proceeded to do jack shit about as proof of how tough they were..

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You're good!

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Well, I guess he walks to the helicopter...

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Undepleted U-235 tipped votes.

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He prefers teenaged girls who are tied to beds.

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It was highlighted (and a bunch of the lines in this article are from) the movie A Few Good Men that won some Oscars, I believe. Has a massive cast too: Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Kiefer Sutherland, Cuba Gooding Jr, Kevin Bacon. It's genuinely a great movie.

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That scene is simply great.

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As I said elsewhere today.. Much as I want Cheetohlini out of office, out of DC, and into a pair of orange coveralls, I don't see the point of impeachment being his removal from office. One, we know the complicit GOP Senate will obstruct; two, no one wants even a year of president Pence.

No, the real point is to paint every detail of his voluminous crimes so large upon the American psyche that only the worst of his cultists can pretend they don't exist. We need every average 'don't care about politics' Jane or Joe to have an understanding of just how blatantly they've been lied to and cheated - and exactly which party is responsible.

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well I was surprised at that unanimous vote in the senate today. Or is that just a lulling deal to relax Democrats about all this?

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