Ben Smith needs to sit the hell down. We've spent the last five years living in a world of no gatekeepers. It's a world where every bit of salacious gossip, no matter how false and how defamatory, gets vaulted front and center in the public conversation. It's been a world of no guard rails, no confirmation or fact checking, where the worst actors have run amok and the only criteria from traditional media has been "who can get the story out first".
That world sucks. The fact that Ben himself may have been one of the few who displayed any responsibility while standing outside those gates does not in any way justify the other 99.9% of the unmitigated crap we have had to endure. Yes, it's important to keep the gatekeepers honest, but they serve a vital purpose. We've now seen how the very idea of truth and reality can corrode to the point that garbage like Qanon flourishes. Sorry Ben, gates exist for a reason...
Steve will always have a Wikipedia page, and a place in books about the curious phenomenon of the turn-of-the-century wingnuttosphere, but he'll be lucky to earn a footnote in history books.
All true, all valid- except FIVE years? Try thirty. Where were these vaunted "guardrails" all through the fucking Nineties? Does The Hunting of the President ring any bells? True, there was something like a remission during President Obama's two terms, probably in reaction to the excesses (crimes, to put it bluntly) of the Cheney/Shrub years and the way the MSM had enabled them, a tinge of reluctance on the part of the "Liberal Media" to pounce on and run with the poisoned bones thrown to them by the wingnut propaganda machine; that bogus story about Obama and the gay hustler in Chicago was never given any traction outside the RWNJ fever swamps. Instead, the Reich Wing had to more or less content themselves for eight years with passing their stupid slanders around among themselves, while prodding the MSM to keep the pot of Clinton hatred at a low boil.
According to some accounts, he mostly just took credit for other people's work and contributed little himself. This would be more consistent with his behavior since then.
Ben Smith needs to sit the hell down. We've spent the last five years living in a world of no gatekeepers. It's a world where every bit of salacious gossip, no matter how false and how defamatory, gets vaulted front and center in the public conversation. It's been a world of no guard rails, no confirmation or fact checking, where the worst actors have run amok and the only criteria from traditional media has been "who can get the story out first".
That world sucks. The fact that Ben himself may have been one of the few who displayed any responsibility while standing outside those gates does not in any way justify the other 99.9% of the unmitigated crap we have had to endure. Yes, it's important to keep the gatekeepers honest, but they serve a vital purpose. We've now seen how the very idea of truth and reality can corrode to the point that garbage like Qanon flourishes. Sorry Ben, gates exist for a reason...
Be nice.
Steve will always have a Wikipedia page, and a place in books about the curious phenomenon of the turn-of-the-century wingnuttosphere, but he'll be lucky to earn a footnote in history books.
Indeed. The "actual malice" standard will be easy to meet.
Every comedy team needs a straight man : )
The left dog is actually a bit faster, so you get a nice interference pattern from the changing synchronicity
He's a magnet for morans - they line up at the back door of the W.H., hoping they can be servile enough to qualify.
Hey, it's their choice to hand 2/3 of their incomes to their Kushner (land)lords.
All true, all valid- except FIVE years? Try thirty. Where were these vaunted "guardrails" all through the fucking Nineties? Does The Hunting of the President ring any bells? True, there was something like a remission during President Obama's two terms, probably in reaction to the excesses (crimes, to put it bluntly) of the Cheney/Shrub years and the way the MSM had enabled them, a tinge of reluctance on the part of the "Liberal Media" to pounce on and run with the poisoned bones thrown to them by the wingnut propaganda machine; that bogus story about Obama and the gay hustler in Chicago was never given any traction outside the RWNJ fever swamps. Instead, the Reich Wing had to more or less content themselves for eight years with passing their stupid slanders around among themselves, while prodding the MSM to keep the pot of Clinton hatred at a low boil.
Yes, and he was once a very effective anti-mafia prosecutor.
If they were DJs that would be full on shoes-in-a-dryer time.
Kind of like this?
According to some accounts, he mostly just took credit for other people's work and contributed little himself. This would be more consistent with his behavior since then.
He was moving the Italians out to make room for the Russians.
I hope someone is keeping a list of the media and other companies that tried to ratfuck this country.
Yeah, you never heard anything about birth certificates and Kenya after January, 2009.