Everyone knows the Republican party is basically the Holocaust party. If it weren't for fierce warriors fighting the good fight from 10-foot stone-walled San Francisco compounds like Nancy Pelosi, even White Allies like myself would be breaking rocks in the hot sun at camp Rush-Witz with a pink triangle on my chest.The Nazis had one goal: To genocide every non-white person on Earth and ensure the remaining white people all spoke German so they could build Nazi space castles in Antarctica. The Republican party is exactly the same. They are literally the KKK, the Nazis, and white supremacists all rolled up into one giant hate-burrito, if you will.

As an avid member of Antifa, I will be battling these Nazis just as the US fought them on the shores of Helsinki on D-day. There is literally no difference whatsoever between them and Antifa of today. Viva la Resistance, comrades!

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No inconvenient truth allowed!

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Senate switch unlikely.

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Any movie with Raquel Welch wearing tight clothing is always on my list.

And then there was THIS Welch movie! Bear skin bikini!


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$6 wearable<http: 6dollarshirts.com="" rocket-surgery="">http://6dollarshirts.com/im...

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"as Chamberlain and others thought"

Chamberlain gets a bad rap because people remember the least important thing about him. When he got back from Munich he said "peace in our time", true. But he also jump-started England's military program; he may have hoped for a peaceful resolution but he sure wasn't counting on it.

Will Rogers once said, "Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock." Neville Chamberlain understood this, except instead of finding a rock, he built a fleet of Spitfires. I mean, he wasn't subtle about that whole military build-up thing, yet people somehow fail to notice it.

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Depressing as hell.

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This whole shit show is just so sad, and I don’t mean sad as in pathetic, but sad as in tragic. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Frederick Douglass was a Republican. Thaddeus Stevens, one of my heroes, was a Republican. To see the party fall so far, to end up as the party not only of Ronald Reagan—a guy who gave a states’ rights speech in 1980 at the Neshoba County fair, a few miles from where Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman were assassinated—George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, to say nothing of such scum as Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and, well, every other Republican now in Congress... It just makes me weep.

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I stoled it from somewhere...

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I said this on Twitter and I'll say it here. What ever happened to America: Love it or Leave it? I think we need to bring it back on our side. America is diverse and diversity is our strength. You don't like it, GTFO!

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They don't eat python very often. That must be why.

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I'm a fur-real Biologist and I didn't know that

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String Emil or GTFO

Do NOT Google

That way lies madness

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They gathered by the fives and sixes!

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Say what you want about................

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Dance with them what brung ya, Calgary Cruz!

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