Republican Nazis - ASSHOLES one and all!

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Mathematically, yes. In all probability, no.

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Yeah - by rights, Kavanaugh should be toast at this point. But the fix was in from the get-go when Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee REFUSED access by committee members to the COMPLETE written record about Kavanaugh, approving only about 7% of such documents as suitable for review.

THAT was the signal for Democrats to start complaining - long and loud and in public (the way Republicans do so well) - about this utter fiasco of a hearing.

Too late now, I fear.

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Yeah, I'm deeply concerned too, that a shit-ton of our rights are about to be flushed down the fucking toilet.

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Well, something is plainly the matter with Collins. She's a-twitch like late Katherine Hepburn.

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Donna Rose 2060! If the country still exists.

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I got news for you. Their men don't go down.

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Was Trix invited to the wedding? Seriously, how many political pundits could Montana possibly have that they could legitimately overlook Trix, Shy, and the Empress Of Us All?

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Her job was to rehabilitate him because she's the one who'd "given it a lot of thought," so she could do it best. I'm sure Flake's job was to call for an investigation, since he's already shown us his 'feelings' before. So those girls in the elevator were just as convenient as they could be. Getting a conservative court has been the goal of that party since Eisenhower was let down by Earl Warren with his crazy civil rights antics and I've no doubt that cherished goal is what's given McConnell the guts to be so ruthless in all this. And tonight after all these years, he's achieved it. That's what these senators had in their minds and they weren't worried about Democrat girls crying or yelling.And I hope Michael Avenatti got pissed off when she insulted him today and will start many lawsuits aimed at every lie and disgusting action Kavanaugh has in his record. I think he is a great man, the way he fights.

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All that deep research-- she's quick! By the way, I noticed today that Lindsey Graham was reading all the words to his VOLCANIC RAGE the other day. Because he' s a lame little sissy who isn't used to asserting himself in that "volcanic rage" form.

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You don't realize what these people are like and how they see things. They don't care about women yelling all day or crying. They just register it like, 'Democrat women crybabies, yah yah yah, all the time." Even women-- like Susan Collins.

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Yay! Hello, Jerry.

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It made Connie, who is a veterinarian, unhappy at first, but she says now she accepts it's part of what makes her Mr. October what he is, the father of "Annie," and, the man who stole her heart at first sight, when she spied him yodeling atop the Halloween float. He was dressed all in red and white, she says dreamily, like a butcher!

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Only if it is a rage-boner.

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Oh look - its Mr October:

'Attractive father of two, Steve enjoys torturing animals in his spare time'

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You know what's really great? That horny l'il devil is a Testudo horsfieldi...aka the Russian Tortoise!

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