Even being a Rhodes scholar doesn't require you to have a particularly high IQ. Extracurricular achievement is at least as important for selection as absolute grades.

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To be a little fair to the folks who work on IQ tests, there has been a lot of effort in recent decades to develop "culturally neutral" tests. The ultimate problem, though, is that whatever you do, you are still measuring how proficient people are at taking a test. How this translates to proficiency at anything in real life is the big unknown.

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Who, that Eyetalian fella?

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Oh no! Now how will the Heritage Foundation ever close the bigotry gap with 1933 Germany!?

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The Daily Kos <a href="http:\/\/www.dailykos.com\/story\/2013\/05\/08\/1207817\/-How-did-Jason-Richwine-Get-a-PhD-from-Harvard" target="_blank">lists his committee</a>, and speculates quite irresponsibly that one member may have had to be replaced at the last minute to get it through. Weigel, wearing his libertarian hat, has <a href="http:\/\/www.slate.com\/articles\/news_and_politics\/politics\/2013\/05\/jason_richwine_hispanics_and_iqs_the_heritage_foundation_scholar_began_researching.html" target="_blank">some comments from 2 committee members</a>.

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I thought everybody knew this. The "IQ mitzvah" is where they get the answers to the IQ test, just like the "bar mitzvah" is where they get the answers to the bar exam.

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Oh come on, they aren't poor, if they have any appliances that use electricity!

(Pretty much actual Heritage Foundation concept)

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"These heathen Japanese sure are darker than I thought they'd be!"

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"I dun know them wetbacks iz dumber than me! They kids stupid too!" *spits*

Run this through the Harvard PhD Machine, and get:

"The average IQ of immigrants in the United States is substantially lower than that of the white native population, and the difference is likely to persist over several generations."

The disposition of the expectoration is unaccounted for.

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He went from Congress - where he was one of the dumbest people - to the Heritage Foundation, where he's one of the smartest.

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That would be the same Heritage Foundation that thought for about twenty years universal health care coverage was a fab idea (because otherwise the poors would get that wonderful emergency room medical treatment for free) until a Black President pushed the concept and then it came out against it?

The same Heritage Foundation that worships St. Ronnie Reagan and supported his campaign to rid the world of nuclear weapons - until a Black President...

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Their logo does include a bell, so...truth in advertising!

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I’m just a think tank (If you don’t judge my do-rag) Comin’ to you from the eugenics-land (I won’t judge your false flag)

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Richwine's dissertation, quoted up there? That got him a PhD from Harvard. What the hell is going on there?

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Good going Wonket.

Might as well call yourself "Stormfront II" with all your pointing out racism, which of course shows who the real racists are.

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Look, I'm no Heritage Foundation employee, because I have Hispanic friends!

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