The meteor is looking better every day.

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I haven't popped by in a long time. This was perfect. Thanks, Dok!

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Praise be and pass the bottle! :)

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As for Burroughs, Lawrence, KS owes a lot to him. He moved there in the early '80s and stayed til his eventual death in '97.


And here's a good picture of the writer with his cat behind his home in Lawrence:http://assets.vice.com/cont...

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I guess those feces weren't going to fling themselves. Carry on, Trumpanzee.

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My bedroom was the two windows on the left: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Thanks, grandpa!

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May you all be among the first to be eaten when great Cthulhu rises. I can express no higher love for all of you.

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Why Bless Your Heart!

I've been looking all over for you Tom. Time to come over and let me put you back in the chute. You sure are going to taste good, being the guest of honor for dinner tonight...

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Shareholder value

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My birthday is the 24th so I take vacation for an American style long weekend. I win!

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Also, too, you're never alone with a schizophrenic.

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People have been expecting that for a long time. I think Syria is a more imminent threat. But either one could be very unpleasant, and Cheeto Man is so ignorant he probably can't find either one on a map.

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Prezactly! Actually, my other brother didn't do well either. He lost it and blew up a partnership that still owed him money, that he probably won't get now. I haven't actually destroyed any relationships or property, so I guess I'm doing comparatively well as far as my family goes.

On the other hand, I just learned at Thanksgiving dinner today that a good friend is moving back to Germany after living here his entire adult life. I suspect the election is at least part of it, though there are other reasons as well. Just recently, Germany has opened up dual citizenship with the US. So my friend WILL become a US citizen before he returns. The other big reason is that he can't afford to retire in the US. He can in Germany. Finally, he's been trying to get his girlfriend to move to the US. I wouldn't choose to move here now if I were her.

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just like a dolphin, leaving us in the lurch.

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my sentiments exactly! thanx!

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