<i>“We can get this country working again. We can get this economy growing again. We can make the safety net safe again. We can do this.”</i>

And without taxes to pay for it, apparently! And just think: Ryan's the smart one.

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Tickertape parade!

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TPM, when Josh's conservative friends die?

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<em>Of course</em> that makes me think of <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=mScdJURKGWM" target="_blank">Tom Lehrer</a>.

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I get my facts from Wonkette!

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'The Outlaw Jersey Whale' will be especially good if Clint is the Mystery Guest.

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<i>Has there ever been a political convention built entirely around a single lie before? All of them? OK, let’s move on.</i>

not to this extent. not even mccain and the grifter (not due to any principles: they were simply running away from bush's record).

i mean, MARA fucking LIASSOM spent the bulk of her am prime time report <i>debunking a republican</i>. that alone suggests boundaries were seriously crossed.

and lying liars crossed them.

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Does his mp3 player list "Zeppelin, Led"?

Other possible musical acts on Paul Ryan's playlist: Airplane, Jefferson Loaf, Meat Sabbath, Black Starship, Jefferson Stones, Rolling Tull, Jethro

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I carefully avoided watching it, and was rewarded once again with a Mets win over the eebil Phillies. Unfortunately, I caught the 11 o'clock news, and their 2-minute highlights reel made me shout "fuck you" at the tellybox at least three times. My wife doesn't like it when I do that, but last night she understood.

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He won't let fact-checkers dictate the campaign.

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Agreed, but don't hold your breath. The whole industry is run by students of journalismism.

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You can still get that kind of entertainment by raiding some pencils from the supply closet and using them to stab yourself in the eyes repeatedly.

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totally have these thoughts.

then i remember the right's (on-going and utter) denial of those 8 glorious bush years.

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VP of hypocrisy. He went to college that was paid for by Social Security dollars and has never worked in the private sector. And he's a big Ayn Rand fan. He's pretty much out of touch with my community.

OT: Mumford & Sons new album "Babel" has a released a new song that is awesome.

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Fine. He's going to make us all end up like Bonham anyway.

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