It is not pointless! For one thing, Obama just created thousands of jobs for teatards in the Goalpost-Moving industry.

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Yes, they love the "plain language of the Constitution". It's what the thing actually says that they hate.<blockquote>All persons born ... in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.... </blockquote>

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So it's "secret" if you just don't believe it? What a boon for the CIA! Instead of "Top Secret", mark everything "Unbelievable".

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There's an Idiot Letter-to-the-Editor writer in these parts who insists Obama's father should be listed as "Islamist". Seriously.

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i would love to know who that ugly smug fat woman is. she actually gives me the willies...

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the man IS very good at the long game.

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WND has a poll on this crucial issue! WE DISTORT, YOU DECIDE What do you think of Fox News' Shepard Smith declaring Obama is 'a citizen'? <a href="http://forums.wnd.com/index..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://forums.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&...">http://forums.wnd.com/index...

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Ripley's Federal Bureau of Investigation, or Not!

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You probably need to add "in public" there

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Can you smell it? Smells like brains boiling. Hair brains that is.

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Here are the choices:

What do you think of Fox News' Shepard Smith declaring Obama is 'a citizen'?

Fantastic. Even Fox News is not buying into the far-right, conspiratorial nonsense By saying "citizen," I assume Smith meant "natural born citizen" Shep's sarcasm was a brilliant way to ridicule the wingnut birthers With Hannity and others on Fox edging toward birtherism, it's good to know there's still a real journalist at FNC The comment is an indication that we've moved beyond the archaic language of "natural born citizen" in the Constitution Shep's assessment of Obama's eligibility is on par with his erroneous assessment of Billy Graham's life status With Hannity openly validating and hosting guests discussing eligibility, one wonders whether this is truly the official position of Fox News With only 38% of Americans solidly believing Obama was born in the U.S., people such as Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck who denigrate the eligibility issue are on the wrong side of history TV hosts can say anything they want, but Obama simply needs to show incontrovertible proof Hey Shep, Arnold Schwarzenegger is "a citizen," too, but he can't be president. Get it? What do you expect from a newscaster who described those questioning eligibility as "crazies"? It is now confirmed that Shepard Smith is not a credible journalist. Period Other

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Yet, this is good news for tin foil hat manufacturers everywhere now that World Net has joined the Obama conspiracy.

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Oh Goody! They are eating their own! I will save you the trip to World Net Daily:

WND POLL We distort, you decide What do you think of Fox News' Shepard Smith declaring Obama is 'a citizen'? --WND

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