Playing dominoes, obviously!

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You are 100% right. I have done the sme for decades now (I'm guessing I'm way older than you), and this has happpened before numersous times. What makes today much worse is that the shit is not only coming from the top, from coming from a totally idiotic, narcissistic, reprehenasble girfter and crook, wheich haas mde it much easiers for people of that ilk to be able to grift and destroy anf kill with impunity.

It can only get worse, even with Trump out of office and even if in jail. After all, look at al the criminals through histoty that people have looked up to - too many to mention here, but I know you know.

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I'm trying to decide which is more plausible. 1) Somebody decided that the best way to draw attention away from a fire at a small upstate NY print shop would be to bomb downtown Nashville with an exploding RV, or 2) Donald and Melania Trump are such masterminds they figured the best way to get a message to his followers about [something something totally unrelated transaction software] would be to have Melania wear a tux to a Christmas party.

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There's a little more to this story. I'm ashamed to say I was frozen on the bar stool - didn't know what to do next. A couple of patrons dashed out of the place, ran across the street, and got the driver out of his car before it burst into flames.

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So much rage over a perfectly normal (and in this case accurate) use of a perfectly normal word.

Have you considered mood stabilizers? Or maybe a glass of wine?

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Wingnut reasoning is certainly awesome.

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First of all, I don't drink, and it's not as ragey as you seem to claim.Just pointing out the errors that SO many people make about things they don;t know about.And NO, 'trigger' is way overused now that it has attained a new meaning, which, by the way, I am not against. But here it's just overblown.

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you've already got it - you just haven't recognised it yet - they are THAT good ;)

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Hey, I appreciate the sentiment!

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A Theory... by Anne Elk.

All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much, MUCH thicker in the middle, and thin again at the far end.

That is my theory that belongs to me.

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Yes, the majority on these fringe sites are bots created by the Russian Troll Farm. It is known.

Below is a link that talks about the hows and whys of bots on FaceBook, Twitter, Parler, etc.

Conspiracy theories are perpetuated by having a human start it, and then the bots take it from there. By sheer numbers they aid Russian aims of division. Many right-wingers see all these bots, and to them it is proof that Biden couldn't have won. The New York Times did a big expose on it, how they use sophisticated 'humanesque' images and speech patterns that are very convincing, but it is behind a pay wall. MotherJones also has a good long form read.


The Russian strategy wants us to believe the majority of Americans support MAGA conspiracy theories. Yes, there are those that do, but it is not nearly as widespread as it 'appears' on these social media sites. By thinking 'everyone' thinks so, people are more inclined to believe far-fetched stuff because they see so many 'supporters'.

Between the two of us, whose 'theory' serves MAGA/ Stop The Steal/ QAnon best?

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So many apples

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It should be so benign; we should be so fkn lucky.

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lofl *snerk*

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It will be an HBO production. HBO is part of WARNERMedia which is owned by AT&T. Big business is booming.

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I was going to go down the rabbit hole of "theories" included in the article, but then I was not only wasting my time but felt in some way tainted by the sheer idiocy. SOOOO, I'm asking, does it end OK?

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