It was not "technically" a SWAT team == It was some guys., essentiallly.

Oh, and when was the last time you saw an on-duty deppity <i>without</i> a handgun? (Note absence of the word "drawn").

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Point is the caucus is unleadable, not that it has bad leaders.<br /><br />Somehow a sizeable chunk of the base appears incapable of laying blame at the feet of those who actively work against them, misplacing it on those trying to do the right thing but being overruled by a majority (or filibuster-capable minority). Viz. the failure to close Gitmo being regularly blamed on Obama despite his attempts to close it being opposed by 90% of Congress, or the death of the public option being blamed on Obama and/or Reid despite it being present in the version of ACA introduced in the Senate and removed only after the very public and unequivocal filibuster threats from Sens. Landrieu, Lieberman and Lincoln.

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Strange how only certain names ever actually get a mention, though.

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As in "Someone called 911 from my address..." I know how to call 911, but I don't know how to do it from inside someone else's house without a little of the old in-out.

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<i>"... I will consider this an official Democrat tactic."</i>

HA HA. As if Democrats have "tactics" except to stand around while Repubicans accuse them of hating America, hating the troops, hating religion, hating women, hating capitalism.

Until Mitt Romney has the balls to say "birthers" are too stupid to vote, I will consider birtherism an official Repubican tactic.

Also, BTW, there's no "solid evidence" that Mr Kimberlin made the alleged 911 call and no "solid evidence" whatsoever about who called 911 from inside Mr. Erickson's house. But "solid evidence" is a slippery term in right-wing circles. There was no such evidence of WMDs in Iraq, but Dubya went to war anyway. And there's tons of evidence about global warming, but they think that's a big hoax.

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Not a Pelosi problem. Don't forget, despite the Blue Dog caucus priding themselves on self-destructive opposition to her for its own sake, the House sent a Medicare-based public option over to the Senate, then sent a negotiated-rates public option back after it became clear the better version was a non-starter in the other chamber. She also got the House to vote for ENDA (albeit a non-trans-inclusive version).

Even the Senate isn't particularly a Reid problem. Yes, he's something of a centerist himself, but he's no Ben Nelson or Joe Lieberman. Without their threats to filibuster their own party, I'm pretty confident PPACA would've contained a public option (he did include it in the bill he introduced, after all). Even if you consider Reid part of the problem, he's more symptom than cause, since the majority leader must be voted for by a majority of the Senate and the right wing of the Democratic caucus has demonstrated willingness to vote against their party on almost anything.

So yes, they're nominally leaders, but you can't take a caucus somewhere a significant minority of it's members is fundamentally unwilling to go.

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Brett Kimberlin's proven guilt invalidates all liberal ideas and organizations, ever.

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OT: I was bored earlier.

<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/bushequalsromney2.jpg" target="_blank">Check out this fun thing I made for fun. </a>

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It's not Cory Booker, so it doesn't matter.

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That's the non-fantasy version of Barney that Ted's not telling his kids about.

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This Kimberlin must be some kind of mad genius. After all, no crazy person has ever thought of annoying people over the Internet before.

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I must be out of the loop here...what brought Kimberlin to the rightwing's bloggy attention in the first place?

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Also this...damn these hepped up fuckers want war, don't they? They paint themselves at innocent victims and dreamily wait for the day when "something pushes them over the edge" and they "defend" themselves.

Fuck 'em. Sigh...time to buy a gun, I guess.

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Oh, and another think. Would it be a total <i>laugh riot</i> if it turns out these fucktards were calling to cops on themselves?

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So, in other words, tempest...meet teapot?

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