There was actually slavery on some of those plantations, prior to 1750. So Little Rhody is poised to spring forward into the 19th century!

Or you could also say that they got to abolition 115 years ahead of the country.

I report, you decide.

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Politics makes strange Procrustean bedfellows.

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(Boris Badenov impersonation?)

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I heard our dear mara and friends nannering on this PM about how IT IS ALL o'bama's fault and his apology to the nation better hit the right tone as THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PRESSER OF HIS LIFE.

are we there yet?

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Bitters. Straight up.

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Here's praying for a plague that infects all Florida rednecks with citrus canker.

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Stupid and drunk, yes.

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Shut yo' mouth.

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Fucking John Boehner. God dammit, I have never had more contempt for a man in my entire life. If I ever meet that orange asshole, I am going to kick him square in the balls.

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On the contrary.

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I have them on pictire in pic and everybody should go find the chatango, it's nice over there

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They're made of jerky. Better use steel-toed shoes.

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Tea-bagger? How dare you, sir/madam? Never in hell.

Well, not that type of tea-bagger, I mean.

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Oh fuck it's an R house already.

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Rand Paul is live on CNN. Most annoying.

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When does the first impeachment investigation start?

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