Did Stormy ever tell us if tfg "finished?"

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Very curious how the asshole/ decent patient divide breaks down along vaccination. I fear ending up in the hospital but can't imagine being belligerent about it.

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My doom scrolling at the Herman Cain award reddit leads me to understand that they are trying to find "the right" doctors and are willing to get lawyers to try and force the "wrong" doctors to care for the patient with the "right" protocols. It's batshit crazy but rock on you crazy diamonds! WTF!

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I watched those videos over and over, and still got things wrong. And though I don't watch TV, I get floods of junk mail and emails trying to sell me crappy "plans." Yep, privatizing the process sure did improve it.

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Nicholas, I'm sending all my positive energy to you and hope you and your grandkids get to hug very soon. Teary as I type this. <3

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As the daughter, sister, niece and cousin of nurses, I know there is absolutely a huge nursing crisis. Years of keeping salaries down by pushing more and more procedures onto staff with less training, draining other countries' supplies of nurses and pushing them away from patient care is killing the profession. For my money: all nursing and associated staff education should be FREE at public colleges and universities, and nurses need to have a much larger say in their working conditions.

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Yes, it was a lot of learning new platforms, super fast. And most of the teachers didn't have a para or any other grownup on the Zoom, so if there were any problems... but it's funny, because kids pick up technology so quickly, they often solved problems before we could :D.

My sister is such a good person other than this one huge flaw. She gives me things, because money is always an issue for me. She is kind and considerate. She volunteers money and time. My mom's care home is near her house and she's there every day, making sure things are OK and feeding her and generally making sure she's not lonely. She's always been slightly conservative, and she's not a crazy that would go to a rally, but still... don't know where we went wrong!

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Generally speaking, IIRC, the least successful cases in federal court are (1) prisoner rights, and (2) employment discrimination/retaliation.

So, re: employment discrimination/retaliation claims, the whistleblowers in the AG’s office already had a difficult case to make. But those who quit - who then have to prove a claim of constructive discharge - have an even more difficult case, because the legal standard is higher. Last I heard, the FBI was investigating potential corruption charges, but I haven’t heard anything further on that.

Bottom line, my best hope is that the GQP bloodies each other enough in the primaries that DEMs can swoop in for the general, but I don’t really have enough faith in the electorate overall to think that will work.

Now I’m depressed again. (Opens bottle of wine because it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.)

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Cant argue much with most of what you say but as an ex ER/ICU nurse of 35 years who retired last year to raise goats, I must respectfully disagree with you regarding "non-profit" facilities. They are no better and in many ways, worse than the for profit ones. A few years ago I read an article which pointed out in most communities, the highest paid individual was usually the CEO of the local non-profit hospital. No non-profit takes their revenue and provide decent pay and working conditions for staff, or see to it that the local community has access to affordable preventative or acute care. Not that I am in favor of for profits reaping piles of doubloons off the sick but the whole non-profit hospital dodge is all a scam. It came home to me when when I sat in on a meeting in which budget cuts were being discussed. We sat in an elegant boardroom, at a table about 30 feet long made of a gorgeous piece of exotic tropical hardwood with paneling to match. Elegant art hung on the walls and if we became thirsty, beautiful crystal glasses were in front of each of us. Naturally, staffing reductions were brought up by several non medical professional administrator types. Every doctor present objected, to their credit but, as a lowly bedside nurse on the committee my opinion was not solicited or expected. I wasn't brought up that way so I suggested that maybe they could sell the table and the art work and perhaps forego replacing the massive fountain in the lobby that had been so proudly announced a few weeks before as a way of better managing resources. Bottom line, the staffing cuts were implemented

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I don't see how this insanity ends without him under ground or under lockup. Fuck a duck it just keeps getting crazier. I thought we reached peak madness months ago but it seems there is no limit to the madness.

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I am so sorry for everything you’re dealing with, paxpax. Especially that on top of everything else, your mom thinks COVID vaccine = slippery slope to forced sterilization. WTF?!

Sometimes I actually feel a bit guilty when I read non-comments here, because my friends & family are actually sane & rational. My mom was an ER nurse for decades. When she could no longer physically work in that position (torn rotator cuff from moving patients from stretcher to bed, which was aggravated post-surgery from continuing to have to move patients), she taught clinical classes at the nursing school for several years before retiring. Both of my sisters are also healthcare workers.

As a result, I struggle with the issue of what to do with the willfully unvaccinated. I understand the position of those who essentially say “they’re on their own,” but the truth is that they are NOT “on their own” - they’re dragging healthcare workers down with them, and putting them at risk. One sister works at the VA, and even though she’s vaxxed & boosted, she still has to wear 2 masks + face shield every day. And get a COVID test at least 2X/week, which is extra uncomfortable because she has sinus issues. Would she prefer to NOT have to do this? Yes. Does she do it anyway because that’s what is best for her health and the health of her patients? Also yes.

I really wish we could stop abusing our healthcare workers, but I’m afraid I don’t see an end in sight.

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I have no medical training either (unless you count reading medical records for ADA disability claims). But even I know that oxygen saturation levels below 95% and a resting heart rate over 100 beats per minute are not good signs.

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There is a b&w photo at my parents’ house of my mom as a young nurse, wearing her cap. Thanks for reminding me I need to get a digital copy of this to share!

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The problem with teens left alone have been well documented. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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The problem with the piss-drinkers is that that they are not doing it right. To be effective they need to put the piss in their microwave for at least five minutes per pint.

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they want death panels? let the nurses discharge patients that demand medicine that is not meant for them, let them discharge the patients refusing to be treated. they don't deserve the abuse, so discharge the patients that are fighting them (not the altered state, don't know what they are doing combative phase of illness patients, the ones literally saying no to every medical aid and demanding woo woo juice) - at least they can reserve their time for the patients who will follow medical advice

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