Because terrists always assemble their bombs within sight of police cameras, and make plans via their AOL email accounts.

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We're all actors in the "Security Theatre" -- it's performance art for everyone!

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In NYC, there are ten million people moving around and doing shit all day long. Who the hell is going to watch the millions of hours of video, and read millions of emails, every fucking day? You know how many plays "bomb", and how many athletes "attack", in a thousand different messages? Heck, there are probably enough dolls that get "blown up" to keep 'em chasing their tails all day long.

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personally, i like to stop in the middle of the street and give them a little lady m.

but maybe that's just me.

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At least HAL had the decency to lose at chess sometimes.

Gathering and possibly retaining information about us before crimes are committed is just NYPD's way of showing they care.

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Well, at least they chose a nice and friendly name for it.

(If Apple had been the contractor, would it have been "iSpy"?)

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The real crime takes place on Wall Street and in banks.

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NYPD just can't quit the "Red Squad" of yore.

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